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Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague

[Apr 9,2009 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
not bad guys, not bad at all. definitely a huge step up from Kill. i mean there are only so many times you can do songs like that without sounding redundant or rehashed, but it seems that Rob Barrett and Pat O'Brien work really well together. even though it bares similarities to Kill, i think the song writing is much more solid, no matter how many times i hear Kill i just don't care for it. i think this sounds more like Vile, it even sounds similar to the newest Bloodbath. the standout element are the thunderous drums, i read that this is the first album he used a click track for, and you can tell. i was really weary about buying this, i haven't been overly impressed with them recently, but i'm not disappointed.
[Apr 9,2009 3:44pm - darkwor ""]
Kill was the soundtrack to many of my drunken antics during the summer of 2006, and it's my favorite album by them, because it's the only one I own. I consider it an awesome album period and I really enjoy Rutan's production. I go apeshit whenever Five Nails Through The Neck comes on. So, fuck you Yeti, for laying wasted to the special place in the death metal area of my heart.

I heard Evisceration Plague and it's solid, but the title track blows, it's sterile and reeks of music video masturbatory catchiness and clear enunciation of death metal vocal chorus popiness.
[Apr 9,2009 3:46pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Only like 2 or 3 songs at the most stand out to me. Too much repetition.
[Apr 9,2009 4:20pm - blue ""]
Their best since bloodthirst.
[Apr 9,2009 5:12pm - aegathis ""]
Bloodthirst was so fucking good
[Apr 9,2009 5:18pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

blue said:Their best since bloodthirst.

[Apr 9,2009 5:18pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Only like 2 or 3 songs at the most stand out to me. Too much repetition.

[Apr 9,2009 6:13pm - rbss  ""]
Def. not my favorite since Bloodthirst, but wicked good nonetheless. I never tire of the Corpse
[Apr 9,2009 6:44pm - blacktooth ""]
Surprised yeti left out the Webster in the accolades. He wrote 7 of these 12 songs.. lyrics and all
[Apr 10,2009 7:26am - Yeti ""]
definitely the best since Bloodthirst, that album is a monster. Kill is just boring to me, nothing about it stuck out. Darkwor you need to get cracking on owning some more, Bloodthirst and Vile especially. and i don't see how the title track is bad, i mean i see how it can be viewed as a "single" but its kind of like the song Eaten by Bloodbath. they are simple songs but catchy as fuck.
[Apr 10,2009 7:28am - Yeti ""]

blacktooth said:Surprised yeti left out the Webster in the accolades. He wrote 7 of these 12 songs.. lyrics and all

that really surprised me, i was sure that Corpsegrinder penned the lyrics. kind of a lazy front man. many hails to Alex Webster, he has been their bass beast since day 1.
[Apr 10,2009 7:54am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i know webster went off on this album, and o'brein is an absolute fretboard wizard but i really dig some of rob barret's tunes...they have that old school / vile era feel.

and just because CGrinder pretty much gets told what to do, doesnt make him lazy at all. first off being in a band where you are pretty much delegated what to do and when to do it, is demanding in it's own right. + you saw the DVD, he makes a concerned effort to enunciate every single lyric, which is both respectable and challenging..
[Apr 10,2009 9:45am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
first listen. meh, maybe it'll grow
[Apr 10,2009 10:41am - Yeti ""]
hahaha i know, it was sarcasm. he is the fastest spitting death metal vocalist i've ever heard. i would love to see anyone repeat the verses to "Disposal of the Body" as fast and clearly as he does.
[Apr 11,2009 5:49pm - blacktooth ""]
Cue George with the black warcraft T and reading glasses..
Nah, he is pivital tho.. your right yeti..
Paul bizazz bizerkawits


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