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[Mar 14,2004 6:47pm - honor4death  ""]
whos watching that shit tonight.....i am...only to get drunk at a freinds house lol
[Mar 14,2004 7:00pm - Dissector ""]
I hate wrestling now. I used to love it in 4th grade but its just wayyyyy too cheesey for me now. Undertaker used to own!
[Mar 14,2004 7:18pm - JellyFish ""]
used to love it. Havent watched since ECW went under.
[Mar 14,2004 8:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
I like watching the broads go at it.
[Mar 14,2004 8:54pm - succubus ""]
i'm not a fan sorry...never was
but i remember when i was in the 6th grade my friend's dad was a famous wrestler..and whenever he'd pick her up or whatever, the guys would go nuts..unfortunately, i really don't follow wrestling so i don't know who he was...
[Mar 14,2004 9:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
i haven't watched it since wrestlemania VIII
[Mar 14,2004 10:05pm - JellyFish ""]
Wasnt VIII the one with the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan, world title versus intercontinental title?
[Mar 14,2004 10:05pm - succubus ""]
[Mar 14,2004 10:23pm - Abbath ""]
i stopped watching it when wcw and wwf came together
and now what the fuck happened!?!??! Kane use to be sweet and metal!
[Mar 14,2004 10:52pm - gorg  ""]
wrestling is seriously the gayest thing ever.
[Mar 14,2004 11:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
no, the gayest thing ever is pamela anderson's VIP. i seriously feel dumber after watching that show
[Mar 14,2004 11:15pm - succubus ""]
funny, when i saw this post initially i was thinking...who is going to watch this, instead of going to a show...

and then someone told me their band practice almost got canceled because someone wanted to watch it and not go to practice.
[Mar 14,2004 11:33pm - Kalopsia ""]
Sable/Torrie Wilson/Stacy Kiebler/Jackie
in nothing but bra and thongs. need i say more?
[Mar 14,2004 11:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
who won? which broad got their head shaved? that's all I care about.
[Mar 15,2004 12:04am - honor4death  ""]
Undertaker came back as the deadman with that fat guy with the urn....which was cool other than it sucked.....the playboy match was amazing and i had some handlotion on the table just incase it was needed....and that was the only good things the whole time....other then that i wasted 4 hours of my life
[Mar 15,2004 6:23pm - the_reverend ""]
the rock is black!
[Mar 15,2004 6:42pm - morkul ""]
The undertaker came back as the deadman, holy shit.. What next the return of the iron sheik or nikolai volkoff.
[Mar 15,2004 6:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
which broad got their head shaved?

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