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MBTA considering huge cuts in service= many people may be screwed

[Apr 10,2009 6:08pm - deathchick ""]

A possible cut being no commuter service after 7 pm and no commuter rail service on weekends?
[Apr 10,2009 7:04pm - reimroc ""]
well maybe they should've thought before they decided to pay someone $24 an hour to speak into a microphone. fucking unions.
[Apr 10,2009 7:13pm - Dankill  ""]
They always do this to scare people into bending to demands. God, I hate the State goverment.
[Apr 10,2009 7:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Automate all the subway lines that don't have grade crossings, fire everyone in a management position, fire all union drivers, track walkers etc. and put the jobs up on the open market at $10/hr. In this shitty economy they'd be out of service for a weekend before they filled those positions.
[Apr 11,2009 6:08pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
even the commuter rail operators drive like massholes
[Apr 13,2009 7:34am - Yeti ""]
awesome, through shitty business and terrible money handling they are screwing over hundreds of thousands of people. yet they add a train leaving Union Station around 4 AM that no one ever rides.
[Apr 13,2009 7:45am - reimroc ""]

Yeti said:awesome, through shitty business and terrible money handling they are screwing over hundreds of thousands of people. yet they add a train leaving Union Station around 4 AM that no one ever rides.

[Apr 13,2009 7:55am - Yeti ""]
its fucking bullshit. there are so many people whose livelihoods are based on the MBCR/MBTA, mine included. we don't have the luxury of driving into work everyday, nor the want to drive in everyday for many reasons, financial, environmental, sanity, etc. the faggots in charge of this shit don't ride the train in to work everyday so what the fuck do they care? this isn't a proactive solution at all, its just "how can we keep the salaries we make and still save money?". fuck.
[Apr 13,2009 9:04am - xmikex ""]
The MBTA holding people's livelihood hostage for bailout money? It's more likely than you think.

The MBTA squandering that bailout money like they piss away the enormous amounts of money they take in every day? Well, that's exactly as likely as you think.
[Apr 13,2009 9:08am - nick tas  ""]
These cuts are not going to happen. It would sink the economy. I see people freaking out everywhere about this and laugh.

Put it this way, in the extremely unlikely event that the T actually takes the time and money to modify and overhaul the entire system to accomodate these cuts and 30,000 people cannot get to work anymore, we'll see how fast the state scrambles to open their wallets to save it.

I would fully support axing about 5 stops on the damn B Line though.
[Apr 13,2009 9:12am - Dankill  ""]
And yet, now I remember how ironic this is that they've also talked about doing a ton of work on the silver line in Boston as well as expanding some of the all ready existing lines to go even further away from the city into the south shore.
[Apr 13,2009 10:21am - sinistas ""]
...Not to mention the Green Line extension into Somerville.
[Apr 13,2009 10:28am - boblovesmusic ""]

Dankill said:And yet, now I remember how ironic this is that they've also talked about doing a ton of work on the silver line in Boston as well as expanding some of the all ready existing lines to go even further away from the city into the south shore.

[Apr 13,2009 10:47am - pam ""]
they just finally settled on the routes they're bringing to new bedford/fall river. If the rail won't run after 7pm or on weekends though, that's totally useless. All it's going to do is jack up my rent.
[Apr 13,2009 10:51am - xmikex ""]
Oh cool, red line trains that run all the way to Lexington... that won't slow the wait time for a train after 7 down at all. Can't wait to come home at midnight every night for the rest of my life.
[Apr 13,2009 10:54am - pam ""]
And you thought you avoided the blue line before, now it features Lynn, Revere and Salem! Woooohoooo.
[Apr 13,2009 11:02am - nick tas  ""]
I never got the hate for the Blue Line, maybe it's my north shore roots.

The Blue Line always featured three stops in Revere. That extension through Lynn and Salem will never happen. At least not in our lifetime.
[Apr 13,2009 3:26pm - BUY A CAR  ""]
It's the patriotic thing to do
[Apr 13,2009 3:28pm - reimroc ""]

BUY%20A%20CAR said:It's the patriotic thing to do

I think most people would if they made more places to park like public parking garages. You drive down near back-bay station and attempt to find parking.

Good luck, god speed.
[Apr 13,2009 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
I have a car but live 45 miles from my work. The commuter rail is the only option.

The Wi-Fi sucks ass. The service sucks. South Station is so overcrowded and half the time my train is sitting out waiting for another train to leave.
MFR better fix this.

The best thing about the commuter rail is that stale farts float around in the air for minutes on end.
[Apr 13,2009 4:07pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:
The best thing about the commuter rail is that stale farts float around in the air for minutes on end.


You come out of retirement to brighten my day with this hilarious gem.

edit: still LOLOLOLing
[Apr 13,2009 6:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Mothafucka, I work for AmTrak. The MBTA and I have no affiliation. And anyone who believes this shit would ever happen is a silly goose. They're just trying to hang this over the government's head so they get money, as I believe someone may have stated somewhere in the thread.
[Apr 13,2009 6:46pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

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