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gettin some b9 love.

[Apr 22,2009 4:27pm - xanonymousx ""]
so i made a b9 account and haha they are so fucking hardcore over there.
[Apr 22,2009 4:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I've had my account there for almost 4 years! I just realized that a few weeks ago.
[Apr 22,2009 4:30pm - xanonymousx ""]
i dont like that board. they all have their dick in a box.
[Apr 22,2009 4:33pm - Lamp ""]
B9 is one of those forums I'll read for a month and then get so pissed off at it that I can't even so much as think about it for over a year. Thankfully I don't think I'll have to go back because it seems plenty of other forums have discussions about music I want to hear without having to sift through endless praise for bro bands.
[Apr 22,2009 4:40pm - anonymous  ""]

Lamp said:B9 is one of those forums I'll read for a month and then get so pissed off at it that I can't even so much as think about it for over a year.

holy shit, that was summed up perfectly. send this man a muffin basket.
[Apr 22,2009 4:49pm - xanonymousx ""]

[Apr 22,2009 4:57pm - tylor ""]
i cant talk for too long about sneakers or fucking as many girls as i can or making fun of anyone every chance i get so i never got into b9
[Apr 22,2009 5:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
its hard to follow.
[Apr 22,2009 5:21pm - tylor ""]
that too! there are like 70 new threads a minute
[Apr 22,2009 6:51pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
i've been posting on that board for two years and the most annoying thing is the hyping of bands that aren't any good. besides that it is solidly entertaining, filled with random upload threads of obscure as hell music, and tons of beef threads.

oh, too many young-uns with shitty attitudes as well.
[Apr 22,2009 6:58pm - Lamp ""]

DrewBlood@Work said:filled with random upload threads of obscure as hell music

That's the only thing that draws me to the board at all, but I still can't put up with it enough to search for these.

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