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Getting laid off dis/appreciation

[Apr 23,2009 1:56pm - aaron_michael ""]
after 3 and a half years with my company, I've been let go due to being "too pushy" with clients.

I've been traveling from Lowell/Allston to Dover NH every weekday for the past couple years, so I'm taking this as a good thing.
I'm not one to initiate change when things are comfortable, so now I'll be able to fine a job closer to home.

Anyone know of any 9-5 jobs hiring in the north boston/merrimack valley area?
[Apr 23,2009 2:00pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Sucks man. Join the club.......the smoke weed and do nothing all day club.
[Apr 23,2009 2:01pm - joeycobra ""]
I will ask around for you!

are you getting unemployment??
[Apr 23,2009 2:02pm - RustyPS ""]
sorry to hear that bro....good luck finding something
[Apr 23,2009 2:06pm - BrianDBB ""]
Aaron! Just some advice, definitely verify if you got "laid off" or "fired". Could be huge difference in receiving unemployment. If you got laid off, then you're in the clear! But if you got fired, I believe you can still claim unemployment, but your old company can fight it and you will have to pay it back to the state. I'll let you know if anything becomes available at my office.
[Apr 23,2009 2:16pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah my temp job is done, need new employment after I move.
[Apr 23,2009 2:27pm - metal_church101 ""]
Sorry for losing the steady paycheck. That sucks.
[Apr 23,2009 2:59pm - reimroc ""]
Aaron what exactly did you do in your past line of work?

ps: sucks that this had to happen =(
[Apr 23,2009 3:40pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well at my work, your not selling service, unless your a total pushy prick. So maybe you should come down here... Not that i think your a prick, cause that's not the case...
[Apr 23,2009 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
he's only a prick when
1) he's drunk with a cast
2) he's edge with a bass
[Apr 24,2009 8:02am - aaron_michael ""]
hahaha give me a bass, and I can still be a prick!

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