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have you ever smelled rotting or burning flesh?

[Mar 16,2004 1:37am - succubus ""]
fucking gross!!!

again, this is inspired by MyDeadDoll's news article about that plant that smells of rotting flesh

i smelled my own skin burning (no i wasn't mutilating myself) and mannnnn sooo gross was the smell of burning flesh
[Mar 16,2004 3:34am - swamplorddvm ""]
Does a dead bird count? What about a dead mouse?
[Mar 16,2004 7:59am - ieatpeople4god ""]
I've smelled both , seperately, and they are the rankest smells you can smell ever.
[Mar 16,2004 8:24am - Josiah_the_Black ""]
i'm on fire right now and i'll tell you it STANKS
[Jul 16,2007 5:57pm - anonymous  ""]
Best smell ever
[Jul 16,2007 6:10pm - Keithnli  ""]
if you get the stench of rotting flesh in your clothes, its almost impossible to remove, just throw the shit out, its NASTY!
[Jul 16,2007 6:44pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
burning flesh? You mean like grilling hamburgers or steaks?
[Jul 16,2007 7:03pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
i caught a whiff of a cremation pile in nepal, gross, but its ok since i gained their powers!
[Jul 16,2007 7:23pm - Hungtableed  ""]
I not only chew the shit out of my finger nails, but I chew the mother fuck out of my finger tips. I love the taste of my own skin.
[Jul 16,2007 7:24pm - Hungtableed  ""]
"Prepare to burn in the Final Cremation..."
[Jul 16,2007 7:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
... yup, right now.

uh oh.
[Jul 16,2007 7:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
succubus said:i smelled my own skin burning (no i wasn't mutilating myself) and mannnnn sooo gross was the smell of burning flesh

HAHAHAHA... That's only one of two, maybe three things. If it's the one I'm thinking of, then my sympathies, but that's fucking hilarious.

Oh, wait - you said skin. My B.

What I was thinking of was when the ladies have special little cancerous growths on their cervixes, and the nice doctor gets to burn it off with a "laser."

My girl had that shit done a few years back, and regretted telling me almost instantly. I couldn't say the word "laser" for weeks without putting air quotes around it in the Dr. Evil voice and pointing at her crotch.

Yeah, I'm like 5.
[Jul 16,2007 7:58pm - succubus ""]
what are you thinking of?
[Jul 16,2007 7:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
succubus said:what are you thinking of?

see edit above.
[Jul 16,2007 8:01pm - succubus ""]
oh ok...you just edited yer post...lol

He MD was burning the skin on my chest! (A follow up appt after my breast reduction) but I didn't feel a thing..i only wish he would have put a sheet up so i didn't see the inside fn my boobs.
how ironic that this was bumped since I have an appt at the end fo the month and might be getting some cysts removed..no clue how..maybe burned off as well?
[Jul 16,2007 8:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
succubus said:He MD was burning the skin on my chest! (A follow up appt after my breast reduction) but I didn't feel a thing..i only wish he would have put a sheet up so i didn't see the inside fn my boobs?

Huh - didn't know you'd had that done. Did it lay you up for long?

My ex was going to get'em reduced - she was lugging around G cups. Which, yes, they make if you order them. Yikes. Never in all my life thought I'd encounter a boob that was too big, but she damn near managed.
[Jul 16,2007 8:11pm - succubus ""]
naw, i was fine. i was 21 at the time so they were numb for a while but i was totally ok
[Jul 16,2007 9:09pm - brad weymouth  ""]
i didn't know the Rev could thrust that fast!! Missionary or doggie?
[Jul 17,2007 2:31am - OCR ""]
the station fire must have smelled like GG Allin's asshole
[Jul 17,2007 11:11am - horror_tang ""]
Smell of flesh?! Try out the sound of tearing flesh. That's pretty nasty.
[Jul 17,2007 11:18am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
nightmares made flesh
[Jul 17,2007 11:42am - xmikex ""]
you know what else is pretty gross. the smell of bones being cut.
[Jul 17,2007 11:46am - RichHorror ""]
You know what else is pretty gross? Korean people.

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