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Great Metal moments in your life

[Mar 16,2004 4:38am - swamplorddvm ""]
Well, I have'nt had many great Metal moments im my life. But have do have afew.

At both GWAR shows i've been to i've met Dave and the rest. The second time i met slymenstra and she singed my shirt, and Dave kicked me in the ass.
Ive talked to the singer from God forbid afew times.
Kerry King singed a poster for me. (and alot of other peoples).
Corpse grinder singed my ticket.
I went back stage for a song during Bodom.
I ate pizza with the singer from Pissing razzors.
Met Johan Hegg at two different shows. First time i had to argue with him so that he would sell me a large Amon Amarth shirt. Second time he signed my ticket.
and afew times I made sweet, sweet love to the chick from Night wish.:shocked::spineyes:

That's all I can think of for now.
[Mar 16,2004 6:18am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i dont really care too much about getting autographs or meeting people in bands so i dont really have any "great metal moments"... unless you count playing shows. those are pretty great.
[Mar 16,2004 8:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I got autograph's from Quiet Riot.

I should book them sometime.
[Mar 16,2004 8:58am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i met vanilla ice - he signed my shoe
[Mar 16,2004 8:59am - subjugate ""]
they broke up joe

Joe/NotCommon said:I got autograph's from Quiet Riot.

I should book them sometime.

[Mar 16,2004 8:59am - succubus ""]
i think metal moments can be different things to different people
[Mar 16,2004 9:00am - gorg  ""]
watching and playing with psyopus. period.
[Mar 16,2004 9:02am - subjugate ""]
seeing iron maiden for the first time changed my life forever

playing shows with band i admire like overkill, manowar, immolation and the likes

[Mar 16,2004 9:03am - Josh_hates_you ""]
how do any of these compare to vanilla ice??
[Mar 16,2004 9:03am - RustedAngel ""]
i got slayer with lombardo to sign a 16" dildo that I got for my friends b-day but ended up staying with me. tom araya asked me if i used it, i said no, and he was like "yeaaaaaaah right" haha

[Mar 16,2004 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
1) overkill is one of the most professional live acts ever
2) young thomas, you sucked the signature off that dildo
3) george is funny, like mulan rouge... always singing and dancing and playing for men
4) I've never really done anything metal in my life.. well, beside starting a metal radio show.. man, the first day I did that I almost pooped my pants. now that is pretty metal.
[Mar 16,2004 9:29am - morkul ""]
I must agree, shitting your pants for metal can be rather exciting. But so can seeing Cliff Burton on the monsters of rock tour 1986.Fuckin killer....
[Mar 16,2004 2:40pm - Dissector ""]
Hanging out with Noctuary
Karl from Nile signed my cd booklet
Seeing Iron Maiden

Not a lot of cool stuff. I'm still a youngin'. Once I see Repulsion I can add that to my list.
[Mar 16,2004 3:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
Summertime Slaughter July of 2001. I was waiting outside the pallidium for mommy to pick me up when James Lee of Origin came up to me and started shooting the shit. I asked him if he wanted to burn one, he said hell yeah, we went into Vader's tour van rolled a nice J. Dave Suzuki jumped in on it too which was cool. Trevor from Obituary/Catatroshpic was telling war stories with peter from vader when I left and peter gave me an awefully friendly hug good bye, I wonder why. I had to leave cause mom rolled up and I felt like a dick cause I didn't drink all my beer Doc gave to me.
Trashing a hotel room with Beyond the Embrace last year at metal meltdown was fun as well, tons of people stopped by the room.
Trey Azagoth autographed my pack of smokes and my mother threw it out thinking it was trash.
Fuck, to many great moments to remember! When Rev plays me requests I feel wicked metal and special.
[Mar 16,2004 3:23pm - JellyFish ""]

meeting Balsac, meeting Kerry King, hanging out with diecasts drummer for 2 hours, meeting Karl from Nile, meeting Corpsegrinder, meeting Amon Amarth,
meeitn the bass player of DRI.

More to come.
[Mar 16,2004 4:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
i banged Deadly Kristin from the black metal band Ancient (remember i said i lost my virginity to a 27 year old? yea, her. no, i'm not lying)
Shaking hands with Trey Azagthoth right before Morbid Angel played back in 2001
Jon Vesano of Nile signed my arm
simply going to Metal Shows
[Mar 16,2004 4:24pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
are you all losing site of the fact that i met vanilla fucking ice
[Mar 17,2004 12:00am - Jaytheundergroundscenewaytolazytofuckinlogin  ""]
Seeing Sevendust the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th times.
[Mar 17,2004 12:05am - Jaywhateverwhocares  ""]
Oh and talking to Jason Newsted on the phone for 45 minutes... only to find out I didn't record it like I should have....

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