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Basson 480w 4x12 Cabinet for sale. Eminence legend speakers.

[Apr 30,2009 3:17am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Guitar cabinet. Have had for slightly more than a year. Minor scuffs from loading/unloading. Always run with proper wattage/ohm's etc.
From their site.
"The enclosure is air sealed with silicone to maintain consistent air volume, creating an air spring to prevent the speaker from excess travel. The result is less speaker distortion at extreme low frequencies and extreme volume. This consistency combined with 300 watts of power handling makes for a cab low enough for the 7-string enthusiast, and clear enough for the clean tone soloist."

(480 watt version i'm selling.)

Not really for a trade, as I'm buying a matching set of Randall Xl's, need financing.

I payed 7 something, plus shipping about a year ago.

I'll start around 550.

Anyone want a sick cab?
[Apr 30,2009 3:19am - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Apr 30,2009 3:20am - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Apr 30,2009 9:49am - fishcakes ""]
I allwas wanted to try one of theese
[Apr 30,2009 9:51am - brian_dc ""]
not my kind of cab, personally. Played with a fella who had one. I will say that these cabs are super loud and super clear.
[Apr 30,2009 1:11pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I'd be glad to let you try it. I live in South Deerfield MA.
[May 1,2009 11:37am - Eli_hhcb ""]
bump for sales
[May 1,2009 12:05pm - Martins ""]
Man if I had money, I'd buy both Bassons.
[May 1,2009 12:06pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
lol, they would make a nasty stack.
[May 1,2009 12:07pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I'm only sellin this because I just bought two matching Randall XL's. This cab is in perfect shape, and sounds awesome.
[May 27,2009 1:21pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Yeah boii

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