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[Apr 30,2009 6:04am - Dr. Gene Ray  ""]

Americans are dumb, educated ONEness
stupid and they worship ONEism Evil.
Americans don't know that they are dumb, stupid and evil, for they think they are in the image of a GOD. Okay, but this also means that their God is in
their own image - and just as stupid.

The ONLY Official Site for Gene Ray/TimeCube.
Gene Ray is sole Authority on Harmonic Time Cube.
Collection of raw data on this Site will empower the
Greatest Book ever written. That includes Bibles and
Academic Scientific Books. Stop evil Ad Hominemism.

Began in 1997, and not 1 penny support.
Evil To worship God One,
For Life Is Composed of
Cubed Opposites - AntiOne.

Simple Cube Divinity is the most perfect
and life supporting form existing in the
universe and on Earth - including Earth
itself. Do you realize that a 4 corner
square rotating 1/4 turn creates a full
circle? A full rotated square will create
16 corners, 96 hours and 4 simultaneous
24 hour Day circles within only a single
imaginary cubed Earth roation. This
amounts to a spiraling quad helix of
Earth as it revolves around the Sun -
rotating as it revolves around the Sun,
to induce the value of the Sun revolving
about the Earth. This act demonstrates
that both Sun and Earth rotate around
each other simultaneously - thus creating
Opposites existing only as Opposites with
a zero value existence between the binary
and cancelling to nothing as One or
God theism. All Creation occurs between
Opposites, and exists only as Opposites -
with a zero value existence. As One or as
a Godism, all Opposite values cancel out
to nothing. The Circle you see around
Earth divides Earth into Opposite values
equal to a zero existence. As One or God,
both Earth and Human cancel to nothing.
The whole of the Universe is composed of
Opposites - with a zero value existence -
that camcels to nothing as One or a God.
Humans worship ONEness of DEATH,
thus they are destroying the LIFE of all
Opposites by which all Creation exists. I
have found Evil lies in the Bible that will
rock religious and academic values to their
primitive origin. There is no Human or
God who can match my Cube Wisdom
as a Cube Phenomenoligist - The Cube
God Measurer. While the Circle of Earth
rotation is a perpetual enbodiment as it
is void of the Corner Time notches that
accumulate as aging Life for the 4 corner
residents. Have you mentality to know 4
Days rotating simultaneously on Earth?

Gensis 1:5 is an erroneous and evil lie that
rocks religion and academia to their roots.
God did not create a 1st or even a single Day
in a claim equaled to the Earth standing still.
White Americans deserve to be hacked to death
by the Black Race - for they are dumb, educated
ONEness stupid and worship EVIL ONEness
ONEness education is anti-intelligence and
reduces mentality to CYCLOPIC HALFBRAIN.
American mentality so stupid a half breed rules.
Except for human brain, no ONEness exists. I
hope you live long enough to see Blacks hacking
to death the whites just as the chimp ripped the
stupid brain who thought a chimp also was equal.
White welfare for Black Race fuels inherent slaughter.
Excessive adult debt treats children worse than Dogs.
Americans are dumb, taught stupidity and pray to Evil.
If scientist can't burn Bible, he is a liar, not scientist.
Antipodes DENY the existence of God ONEism.
To the educated stupid ONEist anti-intelligent,
if you will come to my lecture on a Spiraling 4
Corner 4 Day Harmonic Time Cube Quad Helix
Principle Created Earth,& Life on it, I will prove
you criminally worship a Queer deified as fake God.
Godism Organized Crime is a gotohell Mom & Dad.
Did God have bellybutton and did he have tailbone?

Revelations 6:1-8; 4 racist Horsemen of colour, each
given 1/4 or quarter of the Earth to rule (Time Cube
Value), with each quarter rotating to its own 24 hour
day - all 4 quarters rotating 4 corner Days in a common
24 hour rotating invisible, but imaginary Cubed Earth.

Your evil cyclopic educators of ONEness, will not allow
you to know supernatural 4 Day Time Cube Principle.

Creation based on 4 Days - just as you have 4 corners.
My 4 Days proves your 1 Day God inferior to my intelligence. Remember Genesis 1:5 Lie -there was
not a Day rotation. If rotated, the 4 corners would
have equaled 16 corner, 96 hours and 4 Days.
God's error corrupts academia.

Obama must resign to save his people from his catastrophe. SUN power will not allow any
Black Skin power to rule over its Light Domain.
Hell cometh to the dumb, ignorant, educated
stupid "Worshippers of ONE", for Creation
is of OPPOSITES. Born Cubed I defy God of
ONE, for I have a Yes and No mentality
necessary for cubed intelligence -no Cyclopic
educator can allow. Obama must resign or
Doomsday,for only Light can rule over Earth.
No ONEistic god possesses Cubed Wisdom.
You were born and exist as opposites - therefore
your ONEness posture indicts you as living Dead.
Like the 1 eye 1 brain Cyclop, you're equal stupid.
Opposite brains, opposite eyes, you think ONE.
Impossible for a god to create a single Earth Day.
Joke - Dumb god stood on Sun -Let there be light.
Your body is mom & dad until your death, not 1.
Genesis 1:5 is an evil LIE, 1 Day not possible,
does not rotate. Corrupts Religion & Academia.
1 corner Day = Evil. 4 corners = 4 corner Days.
Evil 1 Day god claim corrupts ALL academia
back from the creation of the Earth Opposites.
ONE cannot exist - it would cancel life opposites.
I am wiser than your god - and you call me nuts.
My 4 simultaneous Days is above god mentality.
Evil education is based upon Evil Religion.
Teachers of evil ONEness, should be hanged,
for all life creation is composed of opposites -
pulsation for Life and alternation for motion.

Skin equates imprisonment, white race had
nothing to do making negros black. Even a worst imprisonment exists when the whites are under
Dark rule, who seek revenge for false slavory.
Hell, I am as much an economic slave as any
black.Not one black in America wears a shackle
that prevents them from returning to their
African culture. White people are not obligated
to nurture the black race - when actually dark
and light should exist on opposite corners of
Earth as depicted by midday and midnight.
The white race is actually stupid to give
welfare and integrate with the Black Race,
who in time will slaughter them. The white
race has done more to support the Black
Race around the World than even the
Black Race itself. In America, Blacks
have welfare, in Africa they have AIDS.
Play the colors dealt, some have to the
cops and the others the robbers, next
life it will be reversed. Hell could be the
living in Black skin, but for whites living
under Black rule could be a harsher hell.

I know for a fact that 4 simultaneous 24
hour Days exist within a single rotation
of Earth. Midday is a light race Day.
Sundown is an Asian race Day. Midnight
is a Black Race Day and Sunup is an Indian
Race Day. Erroneous 1 Day 1 God crap
has corrupted human Cubic intelligence.
Genesis 1:5 "first Day"is an evil Lie -
contradicting the whole damn bible sh-it.
Bible and stupid academic ONEness
ignores and obstructs Cubic Creation
Intelligence. Black people should create
a "White Race Appreciation Day"for
all they have sacrificed to help the Black.
Compare the American Black economics
to the African Black environment where
Whites can't own land or vote.

Warning to Obama, I believe that your
black/white equality posture will lead
your people to a racial war - destroying
both races and America. Another
warning you have no inkling about
and never taught. The Sun has ruled
over the Light on Earth for eons and
might just fight back with another
"Big Bang Catastrope"if Dark rules
over the light from the highest office
on Earth. You are giving hope to
your people that is impossible for them
to achieve and maintain. If you incite
your people to revolt and the signs are
already there, whites around the World
will slaughter their blacks, and the rest
will be returned to African Hell. After
you fight the whites, the Blacks will
have the masses of China upon them.
Resign now Obama, avoid the carnage
you encourage. Note the Bald Eagle
with its white head brain with its
powerful Black body No Dark shall rule
over the light on Earth. Resign now
before you incite hell on Earth for both
Dark and Light races. Don't forget
your dark rule over light on Earth will
most likely incite the Sun to fight back.

Dr. Gene Ray, Born Cubic & The Wisest Human

At the risk of my life, I must issue a GRAVE WARNING to my fellow Americans - about a
potential Civil War between millions if Obama,
the Black candidate, is elected President of the
United States, displacing the white president -
inducing America to become a Black Nation.
There are some whites who cannot accept this,
especially during the drastic hardtimes ahead,
and will initiate a spark of violence that will
spread over the Earth like a wildfire. The
World is now on the verge of such a threat,
and the World condition is highly volatile.
This is most likely the test Biden mentioned.
Neither candidate mentioned RACE for its
beyond their expertise - so they just let it
happen - slaughter like never seen before.
I fear if Obama wins, America will lose.
Now, what will you do to avoid such a hell?

Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic and Wisest Human.

The Value of One and God Entity
are inferior to "Value of Unified
Life Opposites, merging of Our
Mom and Dads". To worship a
religious/academic defied Queer
(God)as your progenitor, equates
to spitting puke in your Mom and Dad's face - a real beastly act.
There is No God, only Godism -
an organized profiteering crime,
collecting $billions from tithes.
When Baby exits, a mother is born. The Baby
by creation of Mom and Dad - and the Mother
by evolution. As 1st Day for both, they are the
same age, and begin their lifetime together. A
fetus within is not a human and of no concern
to outsiders, unless it will be imperfect burden,
then left unfed to save it from lifetime of hurt.
Even animal world adheres to this merciful act.
ONE is actually below the lowest form of life -
for ONE cancels unified mirrored opposites.
Damn stupid humans worship a Queer as God.
Black President will soon control White Army.
I don't blame the Blacks, only the stupid whites
which education reduced their mind to dog brain.
Humans are evil bastards to
claim that a god is all-powerful
when it is impossible for a male
queer god to give birth to a baby
or breast-feed it - a power that
only a Mother posseses. Humans
are Evil bastards to claim that a
god is all knowing - when the
queer bastard is too stupid to
comprehend that 4 simultaneous
corner 24 hour days and 4 Earth
rotations occur within a single
24 hour rotation of CubedEarth.
It is impossible for an academic deified Queer ONE god to give
birth to, or breast-feed a Baby.
Bible fraud will destroy fools,
and they will eat one another.
Adam and Eve never existed.
Without profit, there is no god.
Believers will actually eat dung
before they will ever measure
their queer Godism for Cubic
Creation Truth. Just the other
Day in the NEWS, they were
worshipping their god image
in Vomit. Is there no limit to
just how putrid their godism mentality will dwell in stupor.
Forced integration created a
new race of human - a light
black race bridge from the black-black to the white-white.
Doom descends upon Whites
as with all past civilizations.
Like a God- like a Queer.
You think trained dog Oneism.
I have SuperNatural Wisdom.
NO God mentality can Know my 4 Day Cube.
No Bible Word equals my TimeCubed Earth.
How Stupid - Pay to worship Queer as a God.
Mom and Dad created you as a Trinity, the
Mirror of opposite brain meld into "We" Ego.
Your body is of their Creation, honor "We".

Dr. Gene Ray, Cubic and King of Genius.

for Mom and Dad Opposites.
You're Educated ONE Nitwits,
I possess Math & Science Proof.
A Queer as God = Queer HIV.
Every Creation is of Opposites,
Not a human or planet is One.
Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life
Intelligence - or you die evil.
Educators are KILLING US -
teaching Death value ONEism.
A male God without a female
Opposite = Queer Worship.
ONEism of a God Is Death.

Adults Evolve From Children,
not from a Queer deified as a
God by Religious/Academic
Organized Crime, Swindling
Educated Stupid and Gullible.
Love for God = Hate for Child.
Horrendous HOAX on the
Educated, for they worship
deified Queer as their God -
that is Criminal Education.
Life has 4 Opposing Corners,
Earth rotates 4 Corner Days.
Taught One equates Death.
Every Human is Composed
of 4 Corners, existing only as
Cubicians. No Man or God
exists as One, for Cubic fish
of Opposites, divide the Egg
into 4 Opposing Quadrants.
One Male God only, without
Opposing Female Opposite,
equates to Queer Worship
and Horror for Humanity,
deliberate spread of AIDS,
more dangerous than Leper.
About time for Queer colony.
Queers killed my lil Brother.
A Queer God induces AIDS.
Opposites Versus Queer God.
God is a State of Queerdom.
Life is Opposite, Death ONE.
Earth is not an ONE because
Earth has Opposite Halves,
Existing Only As Opposites,
equating nothing as Entity.
Humans are of Opposites,
One God equals Dead God.
ONE Cancels all Opposites.
Think Opposite, Think Life.
Think ONE, Think Death -
NO Heart beat, NO breath,
No Frontside, No Backside.
ONE or God cannot Exist -
as taught in Queer School
by the Queer Educators.
Clergy of ONE is Queer,
equating Opposite Death.

God love is Hate for Others.
God is hate for our Children.
God is hate for our Mothers.
God is hate for Opposites.
God is hate for our families.
Impossible for One to Love,
if there is no other Opposite.
Impossible for ONE Sex.
Humans are of Opposites.
Human one is non-existent,
for he exists as Opposites.
Coming soon to America is
the slaughter of the White
Race by the Black Race -
and Rightfully so - for the
White Fools have ignored
Opposites of their Being -
to Worship ONE of Death
by Religion and Academia.
WISDOM is the ability to
Measure God analytically.
Religion suppresses Right
to Know by Instituting a
Solidified IGNORANCE
of nonexisting ONEism.
Educated to Death -
Creation occurs via
Opposites - NOT one.
Created by Opposites, as
a Harmonic Cubic Form,
with a God like Opposite
Analytical Brain that can
learn both sides of a God
and True Creation, I am
wiser than any single brain
thinker who suppresses the
analytical challenge to God.
God is Death of Opposites
There is not a God, Pope,
man or woman who ever
lived who did not have a
tailbone and navel from a
Mother's birth experience.
All your tithes go to enrich
the vaults of gang of queers
who own the churches and
rip off the Stupid and Poor.
Male Creator is Evil Scam.
Believers have a half brain,
they can't think Opposite of
Crap they have been taught.
Simple Logic is above them.

The Word EARTH indicates
One, Entity or Singularity,
but Earth is not an Entity,
for the Half of Earth seen
from Space cannot exist
without the Opposite Half
NOT SEEN - existing only
as opposites with a plus &
minus zero existence. As
an Entity, the Opposites
will cancel each other out
to nothing. Teaching that
Earth is an Entity equates
to a Doomsday induced by
Educaters upon Humanity.
Earth is not a Singularity,
it is composed of Opposites.
No God can exist as One
or without Opposite Sex.
ONEness is queer worship
which dooms opposite life.
A Queer God is Damnation
for it desecrates My Mother.
Know that ONE causes Hell.

I am a Knower of 4 corner
simultaneous 24 hour Days
that occur within a single
4 quadrant rotation of Earth.
We have a Major Problem,
humans worship a QUEER
ONEness rather than their
flesh and blood MOTHER
Humans are born with opposite
analytical thought God like
brain - that religious/academ

post was too long read more at your own risk

[Apr 30,2009 10:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 30,2009 10:16am - the_reverend ""]
that show's gone so down hill.

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