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"Aromatherapy Vaporizers"

[May 8,2009 11:07am - Strep_Cunt ""]
I recently purchased a Noble VP-600 in lieu of a Vaporite Hyper. If anyone knows enough about this stuff, am I wasting my money? Should I just send the Noble back and just spend the xtra 50 for a VaporBrothers or something comparable. my budget for this right now is $150-$170.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[May 8,2009 11:09am - Strep_Cunt ""]
btw, already googled and all that shit, all I get is ultra mixed reviews for the Noble VP-600, some which praise the hell out of it and some who say it's complete shit.
[May 8,2009 12:21pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I have a vaporwarez which is just like a vapor bros. Does the "noble" work? if so, I would keep it, if not, I would get another one.


Vaporizers are where it's at
[May 8,2009 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've got no idea; I'm just familiar with the Volcano - that's 550+ bucks. And well worth it.
[May 8,2009 1:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
but I guess any one of them would be worth the price.
[May 8,2009 3:56pm - darkwor ""]
I just ordered a VaporBrothers, considering all the positive reviews especially compared to other vaporizers, I think I'll be happy with it. Some part of me can't justify the Volcano's price; although it's damn cool, if another quality product does the same thing for hundreds less, you know...
[May 8,2009 3:57pm - Sacreligion ""]
Every time i smoked a vaporizer i didn't feel like I was getting a hit.
[May 8,2009 4:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh trust me darkwor (btw, I like those recordings..), it is perhaps the best on the market and well worth the price!
but you can't go wrong with spending less money.
[May 8,2009 4:29pm - largefreakatzero ""]
You guys are making weed smoking too confusing.


[May 8,2009 4:31pm - dertoxia ""]
Ive only used a vaporizer a couple times. I just remember the first time i tried one it the most intensely radical out-of-nowhere high ever. Like most people im sure, i was just like "wtf im just breathing air" and thought it was all a sham. Then it hit me and i was just flush with a warm fuzzy high. Caught me totally off guard.

thats the extent of my knowledge about vaporizers.
[May 8,2009 4:57pm - Blue ""]
first time i used a vaporizer, i hated it. barely got high and the taste was less than spectacular. when dysentery went down to FL in januray i had another opportunty, and it was fantastic. this one was much more elaborate as opposed to the crystal ball looking one i first used, no clue about the different manufacturers and what have you.
[May 8,2009 6:19pm - sever ""]
You get what you pay for with a vape. Lower quality vapes will be prone to burning weed, or destroying THC before it can reach your lungs. Higher quality ones will get you sky high off of .2 of mids.

Your choice.
[May 9,2009 2:28am - Eli_hhcb ""]
cephellic carnage song anyone?
[May 9,2009 11:43am - Strep_Cunt ""]
Holy shit! Check this out: http://www.vaporgenie.com
I was skeptical because of the low price, but there's not one single bad/mediocre review on these, and I checked out a LOT of vape message forums.
DEFINITELY returning that Noble for a VaporGenie. Even if it's not as good as it says it is, I still think its worth $65.

Thanks everyone for the input.

Largefreak: haha, I understand your point but I guess I didn't mention I don't want smoker's cough and wheezing lungs anymore, but don't feel like quitting. I mean, just listen to Chris Barnes. Smoking can fuck a man's lungs and throat up.

[May 9,2009 11:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
vaporizers are great, and volcano's are even better, but it takes a special kind of person to want to spend 550 on a vaporizer when that money could buy you headies for a month! (maybe more if your not a chimney like me) The vap/bros work very well, so well that no i couldn't justify the extra 400.
[May 9,2009 4:55pm - josh_hates_you ""]
I have a the vapair one. It's ok. My friend has the volcano. It's pretty awesome.

Cheap weed tastes weird out of a vape. Good bud tastes great but i can't justify putting somethng that costs 60 a slice into a vaporizer. Something about the way it comes out all brown and spent smelling like popcorn. Plus if you smoke a lot lets say 5 times a day or more the vaporizer is pretty much useless since once you develope a tolerance to it you can hit it for hours without getting high. Not to mention I hate guessing when the bowl is kicked. Just want to light that shit on fire cook it till it's beat and take the fucking guesswork out of it. IMO vapoizers are best used by casual smokers who want a few health benefits by not actually smoking something. Vocalists and athletes come to mind. For the all day every day pot head it's kind of a waste of time but worth it just to say you have one.
[May 10,2009 11:10pm - darkwor ""]
^^good point, seems like it would suit me well. I'll know tomorrow.
[May 11,2009 10:06am - largefreakatzero ""]

Strep_Cunt said:Holy shit! Check this out: http://www.vaporgenie.com

Largefreak: haha, I understand your point but I guess I didn't mention I don't want smoker's cough and wheezing lungs anymore, but don't feel like quitting. I mean, just listen to Chris Barnes. Smoking can fuck a man's lungs and throat up.

Haha -- if Chris Barnes is your example, then apparently smoking can not only fuck up your voice, but also your taste in music as well (SFU).
[May 11,2009 10:36am - darkwor ""]
Vaporbrothers vs. Volcano (from the Vaporbrothers site)

Q: How does your vaporizer compare to the "Volcano" type device?

A: The two different types of vaporizers can be compared, even though their price range is completely different. Both vaporizers have positive and negative aspects. The VB method is simpler but requires some time and experimentation to master. Volcano is more hands off. We find that VB customers prefer our quiet intuitive method, silent operation, and dense sweet tasting vapor. This doesn’t mean the Volcano doesn’t deliver; in fact it is extremely effective and easy to use, and the company has a high reputation.

The Volcano is a top of the line product ($500-$600) which fills a bag with pure vapor. It is a real product (no joke) and is built solidly inside and out. They have views of their workshop at http://www.storz-bickel.com/vaporiser/storz-bickel-company-vaporiser-manufacturer.html. It is very effective for elderly or medical patients who need a light mist that is very easy to inhale. Temperature can be set precisely and does not drift off target. It’s quite a luxury to take the bag of vapor to someone in another room- something you can’t do with our product. The machine has its drawbacks; it’s motor and crinkly plastic bag make unwelcome noise and it can be awkward to use. We gave it a good try, got used to the machine-like aspects, and discovered our own way to duplicate the quality of vapor that we can get from a VB vaporizer. But without a good supply of herbs, you might find the homogenous tasting vapor to be unsatisfying.

Vaporbrothers is a much different device. It is unobtrusive, intuitive and efficient with small amounts of herbal material. It produces a dense sweet tasting vapor immediately with no waiting. The temperature can be varied greatly, allowing the user to decide either an expansive true-vapor experience, or a more full-bodied inhale. Drawbacks include: Temperature control is not hands-off like the Volcano. The VB temp knob must be adjusted for different conditions. Unlike the Volcano, which will give perfect vapor from the first use, the VB unit requires time and trial/error to get the right results.

One final note: Volcano’s effectiveness comes in part from the generous amount of Aluminum in the heater. There's no general concensus we can find about whether hot Aluminum is toxic or not. For people who worry about toxic effects of Aluminum, they should not use the Volcano.
[May 12,2009 3:10pm - darkwor ""]
UPDATE: Picked up the package at the post office during lunch (USPS apparently doesn't understand APT 3 BACK DOOR PLEASE), unpacked my brand new Vaporbrothers vap, threw some herb in the whip (I chose the multicolored knobby glass option), let it heat up for a couple minutes, took a nice long drag. Instantly got the exact white mist effect that a vaporizer is supposed to do. The taste is GREAT, getting the THC and actual intact essence of the plant, and I took 2 more rips because it tasted so damn good. I was REALLY high. Rarely will I use another piece at my house ever again. Amazing product.

[May 12,2009 4:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
Let us compare. lol.
[May 12,2009 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
but as a response to this:

I don't think the vapor tastes bad at all. It's got a sweet taste as well.

and the "The machine has its drawbacks; it’s motor and crinkly plastic bag make unwelcome noise and it can be awkward to use. " isn't a drawback at all? It is no louder than a small fan, and the bag is not much different than your average super market bag. You can also bring the bag anywhere you want.

Either way, good job and making the purchase!
[May 12,2009 4:25pm - darkwor ""]
Yeah obviously they put marketing language in there but really the only difference is the bags, which is a great option.

I love the taste of the vapor, it's a great aroma. I'm gonna take quite a few rips off it tonight.

Who knows, maybe my breathing will get better over time, although I haven't noticed much difference since I started smoking.

Anyway as far as "aromatherapy vaporizers" go you can do no better than the Vaporbrothers or the Volcano, anybody who enjoys smoking needs to get into these things.
[May 14,2009 1:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I seriously spent like all of yesterday brainstorming up plans for a (high-quality) hand-crafted vaporizer (banging my head against the wall trying to decide what I wanted it to do - direct hit or chamber, convection or induction - and how to get around the engineering problems), only to show up at practice and have darkwor's new VB staring me in the face.

[Sep 14,2009 4:09pm - arktouros ""]

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