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Asshole Parade touring again in August

[May 17,2009 3:02pm - Lamp ""]
So it looks like the last time that we said that we were never touring the states again WE LIED, but that is just how it happens some times!

We will be rolling on the East Coast in Mid August and need some help/suggestions on where to play. The shows will all be leading up to playing BEST FRIENDS DAY in Richmond Virginia and that starts on the 20th of August.

Fri August 14th (Prob Asheville or Raleigh)
Sat August 15th
Sun August 16th
Mon August 17th
Tues August 18th
Wed August 19th

and then I think we are gonna hang in Richmond for the BFD shows. Not positive what day we are playing BFD either.

The tour needs to start in the souther part of the East Coast because the rest of the band will be driving North to meet me where ever it is that I end up flying in! So it will probably start in Asheville or Raleigh NC.

We will also possibly be with another band (sharing a van) so there may be 2 bands to deal with.

We would be stoked to get onto any kind of FEST or any cool shows that might be going on around these dates as well so if you can help in that department that would be cool as shit !!!

Thanks for all of your help...hope to see you there !!

-Travis / AP

That was the original statement, seems they have some dates already:

And I hope a lesson was learned in Providence last time... if you go overboard with the booze, YOU LOSE.

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