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Mummified In Circuitry (ex Burn My Remains, Wings Never Shattered, and Embludgeonment)

[May 19,2009 1:59pm - MIC  ""]
So we all got kinda bored out sitting around doing nothing and decided to put this together for shits and giggles. Most people on here won't like it so much as it's some sort of "core" not sure which one nowadays haha. But check it out, we got a rough recording up there on our Myspace now and we'll be recording with the guys at Triumph Studios in Chelmsford, MA the beginning of June.


We're also playing with killwhitneydead, The Demonstration and fucking WRETCHED on July 2 at Rocko's up in Manch Vegas.

We're always looking for shows so hit us up if you got something for us.
[May 19,2009 2:52pm - soloistshred ""]
[May 19,2009 3:03pm - metal_church101 ""]
What kind of core?

Please explain? Post-_____-core?
[May 19,2009 3:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[May 19,2009 3:14pm - MIC  ""]
I never really got into that stuff haha, it is what it is, never really one to label music I just listen and play what I like.

And defintely not apple core, I'm not big on apples or apple juice. Maybe we could be Fruit Salad in a Cut Out Watermelon Core.....yeah that'll work. Identify us as such.
[May 19,2009 3:18pm - metal_church101 ""]
[May 19,2009 10:00pm - MIC  ""]
Bump, last one I promise. Take a listen
[May 20,2009 1:35pm - Hungtableed  ""]
New song is tight like my bleeding hemorrhoid constricted asshole. Nice work, I'll see you fuckers tomorrow as I have gotten the evening off from jail.
[May 20,2009 1:40pm - Hungtableed  ""]
R.J. on vocals is fucking devastating. What a fantastic final touch on an already awesome amalgamation of musicians and musical influences.
[May 20,2009 1:46pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
Sounding pretty brutally swell gents. Your pig squeals are fairly mushy though, but maybe thats the intent?
[May 22,2009 11:24am - mic nli  ""]
[May 22,2009 12:32pm - xmikex ""]
Sityodtong in the top list. High five.
[May 22,2009 2:27pm - MIC  ""]
One of our guitar players is a trainer there, gotta represent
[May 27,2009 12:14pm - MIC  ""]
We have a new song up as of this morning, just recordings we're doing on our own. One of our guys has Logic on his Mac so we've just been fuckin around on that but we'll be hitting the studio next week. Check out the Myspace and give it a listen. Feedback is a plus, good or bad, we can take it.
[May 28,2009 2:55pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 24,2009 9:41pm - MIC(nli)  ""]
New songs posted!!!!

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