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[May 22,2009 6:00pm - Conservationist ""]
Denial of the pervasive informational patterns in reality leads us to blame, resentment, and ultimately collapse. If you look out your window and see a collapsing civilization, here's how to recognize the problem and fix it.

[May 22,2009 6:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its friday night... go do something fun for once instead of bitching about shit you cant change
[May 22,2009 6:57pm - Conservationist ""]
Why does it bother you so much?

And: how do you know what I'm doing tonight (which begins in a few hours)?
[May 22,2009 7:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
party at conserva's
[May 23,2009 12:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
doesnt bother me...just a suggestion.
[May 24,2009 9:36am - Conservationist ""]
[May 24,2009 1:13pm - Doomkid ""]
"You might call it a form of three-dimensional scientific method."

Or you might call it the incongruities between quantum physics and special relativity.

On the far negative side of the curve are societies that fail from the outset. No one is interested in collective action, so they cannot rule themselves and get destroyed by small bands of criminals. Societies in fertile areas tend to be this way, as do societies which were in previous generations made prosperous.

So you're saying that northwestern Europe is an infertile area? The reason we know about most failed societies in the past is because they were once successful and subsequently decayed due to external/internal/environmental pressures. I'm not even going to bother to quote your unsubstantiated points about humans in tropical areas always remaining tribal. (South East Asia, Western Africa, Meso-America)

If you find yourself wondering why modern society is so brain dead, here's a starting point: it has means/ends and cause/effect confusion, arising from our pleasant fantasy that we are all in control, which is in itself a denial of death and the importance of context. This is why the greatest taboo is understanding context, including cause/effect logic.

Have you ever noticed how you sound like Sayyid Qutb sometimes?

Rants as debate are shit. Quote your sources if you're going to philosophize in this century.
[May 24,2009 1:44pm - Conservationist ""]

Doomkid said:The reason we know about most failed societies in the past is because they were once successful and subsequently decayed due to external/internal/environmental pressures.

I agree with this, and I think it's an important lesson for all prosperous societies. However, some societies were never prosperous, and most of those are centered in tropical areas. As you will note, two of my favorites (Aztec and Maya) were the brave exceptions; however, they were genetically not originally from warm areas, but from cold areas (Siberia). I am thankful that someone is interested in this topic, since it shows up everywhere from neurosis lyrics to black metal.

(The rest of your post is internet de-bait style and has been ignored.)
[May 24,2009 2:01pm - Murph ""]
Using ancient Greece, as an example, have you considered that once a society reaches a certain level of perceived comfort, their intellectualism can lead to greater divisiveness?
[May 24,2009 5:31pm - anonismouse  ""]
[May 25,2009 10:03am - Conservationist ""]

Murph said:Using ancient Greece, as an example, have you considered that once a society reaches a certain level of perceived comfort, their intellectualism can lead to greater divisiveness?

(If this is directed to me) I think once a society reaches a certain level of perceived comfort, the idea of reality becomes optional. As part of that decay, thinkers -- those who apply ideas -- drift into "pure theory" or other forms of non-applied thinking that produce no results. No reality, no pragmatic applications can exist.

anonismouse said:NERDS!!!


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