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The future is now, and it involves Cyanide-laced GPS chips that allow remote tracking and murder!

[May 26,2009 2:11pm - Sacreligion ""]

"German media outlets reported last week that a Saudi inventor's application to patent a "killer chip," as the Swiss tabloids put it, had been denied.

The basic model would consist of a tiny GPS transceiver placed in a capsule and inserted under a person's skin, so that authorities could track him easily.

Model B would have an extra function — a dose of cyanide to remotely kill the wearer without muss or fuss if authorities deemed he'd become a public threat.

The inventor said the chip could be used to track terrorists, criminals, fugitives, illegal immigrants, political dissidents, domestic servants and foreigners overstaying their visas."
[May 26,2009 2:13pm - Sacreligion ""]
The RFID chip is old news, but this is legitimately terrifying.
[May 26,2009 2:16pm - tylor ""]
foreigners overstaying their visas definitely deserve to be killed
[May 26,2009 2:21pm - dreadkill ""]
what about when it malfunctions/breaks and the cyanide is released on someone who isn't a threat of any kind?
[May 26,2009 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
they aren't impervious to cyanide? that's darwin at work.
[May 26,2009 2:42pm - timma ""]
"deemed to become a public threat"

And who, exactly, is in charge of this "deeming"? Because if it's Germans, well...we all know how that ends.
[May 26,2009 2:56pm - the_reverend ""]
space lasers please.
[May 26,2009 3:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'll take two.
[May 26,2009 3:36pm - metal_church101 ""]
Definitely use these to track illegal immigrants.
[May 27,2009 2:53am - Sacreligion ""]
ya gotta catch em first. the best way to do that is to make sure everyone is born with them.
[May 27,2009 1:48pm - Conservationist ""]
I think these will become optional in the future.

Want to live in that really nice place everyone enjoys?

Then you gotta get chipped.

Probably won't use cyanide, though. Nerve agents FTW
[May 27,2009 2:01pm - the_reverend ""]
there are plenty of venoms they could use that would work really well.

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