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Someone should put on a show...

[Jun 1,2009 7:58pm - immortal13 ""]
...of all the bands Mark Richards has done logos for. I believe it would be a legitimate festival.
[Jun 1,2009 8:11pm - Dave Maggot‘s Dick  ""]
I'd go to that.
[Jun 1,2009 8:18pm - the_reverend ""]
it would be called the everything's the same fest?
[Jun 1,2009 8:19pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Sik burn
[Jun 1,2009 8:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jun 1,2009 8:50pm - RichHorror ""]
They do such a show, it's called New England Deathfest
[Jun 1,2009 8:50pm - narkybark ""]
what if he didn't do your logo but he did do some cd art?
[Jun 1,2009 9:04pm - xgodzillax ""]

RichHorror said:They do such a show, it's called New England Deathfest

[Jun 1,2009 9:07pm - PatMeebles ""]
I've suggested this before. RIP OFF
[Jun 1,2009 9:10pm - immortal13 ""]
Artwork could count too.
[Jun 1,2009 9:28pm - Pires ""]
how about all of the bands he's been in too? It's a MFR appreciation festival!!! FTW!
[Jun 1,2009 9:30pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Well, my band couldn't play, we broke up over a year ago.
[Jun 1,2009 10:29pm - the_reverend ""]

Pires said:how about all of the bands he's been in too? It's a MFR appreciation festival!!! FTW!
same bands.
[Jun 1,2009 11:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i would book such a show
[Jun 1,2009 11:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Blue would sue.
[Jun 1,2009 11:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that would be an epic trial
[Jun 2,2009 6:35am - markrichardsmobilefuck  ""]
Technically Blue couldn't sue since 2 of his bands feature a logo/art that I created, and I was also in one of those bands. Loopholes.
[Jun 2,2009 6:35am - markrichardsmobilefuck  ""]
Oh yeah, and I do the art/logo design for NEDF too.
[Jun 2,2009 5:51pm - immortal13 ""]
The epic trial could be the afterparty.
[Jun 2,2009 10:30pm - Dankill  ""]
Mark should do a logo for me. Just my name, but in brutal death metal form.
[Jun 2,2009 10:39pm - RichHorror ""]
This show was last year's NEDF, essentially.
[Jun 3,2009 12:26am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
There were actually only 3 bands on NEDF I did logos for, 4 if you count the pre-fest.
[Jun 3,2009 8:17am - corpus_colostomy ""]

immortal13 said:...of all the bands Mark Richards has done logos for. I believe it would be a legitimate festival.

immortal whats up with you becoming a gayer RTTP personality than CTB? you're really stepping it up these days.

+1: and the perfect venue for said show would be on MFR's head. I reckon there should be enough surface area up there for a couple bands to be playing on two diff stages.
[Jun 3,2009 8:56am - xmikex ""]
letters from the dead would play it.
[Jun 3,2009 10:30am - markrichardsmobilefuck  ""]
Nick, just out of curiosity, do you enjoy trying to strike any nerve you can via internet baiting? Or is it something else such as lack of impulse control, bad attitude, heavy sarcasm, etc.? Just wondering.
[Jun 3,2009 10:34am - DrewBlood ""]
you guys are thinking small picture here. you need to include every band that has ever appeared on a flyer that mark has done. this fest would last for a week.
[Jun 3,2009 1:54pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

corpus_colostomy said:
immortal whats up with you becoming a gayer RTTP personality than CTB? you're really stepping it up these days.

Admit your gay love for me or you're a pussy.
[Jun 3,2009 6:09pm - immortal13 ""]
I agree with Mark. Nick you happen to be one of very few who disapprove of this thread. Plus in one reply you both disagreed with my idea, and then went along with it? I find that a tad hypocritical. Plus I don't see what's so gay about wanting to put on a show, regardless of the idea behind it, unless that idea involved making every band sell ::insert random number here:: tickets in order to play.
[Jun 3,2009 6:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this should should be booked at Mark's Showplace... after which said venue should be "accidently" burned down in a BBQing catastrophy of some sort.
[Jun 3,2009 6:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
It's getting hot in hear so take off all yor cloths

[Jun 3,2009 6:44pm - immortal13 ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:this should should be booked at Mark's Showplace... after which said venue should be "accidently" burned down in a BBQing catastrophy of some sort.

Best idea yet.
[Aug 29,2010 12:39am - anonymous  ""]
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