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Movie remakes hollywood is doing that you probably didn't know about....

[Jun 3,2009 7:58am - reimroc ""]
I mean WTF is wrong with the original Evil Dead, Warriors and Childs Play?



99% of these are classics and are awesome the way they are. Hollywood is running out of original material.
[Jun 3,2009 8:06am - Anthony Michael Hall  ""]
Remake 16 Candles with Yuqi Hu as The Donger
[Jun 3,2009 8:12am - reimroc ""]
Funny thing is they probably will eventually remake that movie.
[Jun 4,2009 7:57am - Yeti ""]
Hellraiser and The Dirty Dozen are perfect the way they are.
[Jun 4,2009 8:01am - reimroc ""]

Yeti said:Hellraiser and The Dirty Dozen are perfect the way they are.

Exactly. As are most of the films on those lists.
[Jun 4,2009 8:04am - thuringwethil ""]
Studios tend to think remakes are a less risky box office draw / money maker. Sucks, but true.
[Jun 4,2009 8:25am - reimroc ""]
see I really wouldn't mind them doing it if most of the time they followed the original premise, story, plot or even vision of the original movies but sadly they usually don't.
[Jun 4,2009 8:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
Bloodsucking Freaks with Rich Horror and me as Sardu and Ralphus. Someone needs to convince the Zionosts who run Hollywood that this is a fucking payday waiting to happen!!!
[Jun 4,2009 9:00am - reimroc ""]

goatcatalyst said:Bloodsucking Freaks with Rich Horror and me as Sardu and Ralphus. Someone needs to convince the Zionosts who run Hollywood that this is a fucking payday waiting to happen!!!

[Jun 4,2009 9:10am - RustyPS ""]
The Shadow: why...this was terrible

Battle Royale: never saw...but still a dumb idea

The Evil Dead: why...too good

Friday The 13th: must be an old list, this already came out

Hellraiser: see Evil Dead

A Nightmare On Elm Street: saw this coming...still a shitty idea

Escape From New York: see Battle Royale

Howard Stern’s Porkys: one of my favorite comedies of all time...why

Short Circuit: a friggin classic

The Karate Kid: knew about this...so disappointing

Red Dawn: see Battle Royale

the rest I've never seen and/or don't care about
[Jun 4,2009 9:30am - RustyPS ""]
another list that's linked in that first article is "Comics being made into films"...some thoughts on some of those:

These will suck...HARD:
Billy Batson and the Legend of Shazam (aka Captain Marvel, 2010)
Iron Fist (2012)
Judge Dredd (2010) (oh dear god...awful)
Namor: The Submariner (aka Submariner, 2010)
Silver Surfer (2009)
The Flash (2010)
Thor (2010)
War Heroes (2011)
Wonder Woman (2011)

Could go either way:
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009)
Ghost In The Shell (2010) (with NO CGI...wut?)
Green Lantern (2010) (with Ryan Gosling as the Green Lantern...wut?)
Hard Boiled (2011) (with Frank Miller directing)
Heavy Metal (2010)
Justice League: Mortal (aka Justice League Of America, 2011)
Luke Cage (2009)
Maintenance (2009)
Nick Fury (2010)
Old Boy (2010) (apparently NOT a remake, with Spielberg directed and Will Smith (head scratcher) starring)
Spider-Man 4 (2011) (saving grace could be Carnage as a villain)
The Avengers (2011)
The Expendable One (2009)
The First Avenger: Captain America (2011)
War in Heaven (2009)
Whiteout (2009)
X-Men: First Class (2010)

Will be good:
Batman 3 (a.k.a. Dark Knight 3, Untitled Batman project, 2010)
Deadpool (2010) (Ryan Reynolds is in)
Gambit (2012)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Sin City 2 (2010)
Sin City 3 (2010)
X-Men Origins: Magneto (2009)

all others on the list are comics I'm unfamiliar with, with the exception of the new Superman, which I can't comment on until I see Superman Returns
[Jun 4,2009 9:38am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

RustyPS said:
Ghost In The Shell (2010) (with NO CGI...wut?)

Wait, a live action Ghost in the Shell, minus CGI? I find that very hard to believe. Also, worst idea since the Evangelion live action.
[Jun 4,2009 9:40am - oscarct ""]
evil dead wont happen.
[Jun 4,2009 9:42am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

oscarct said:evil dead wont happen.

More likely than you think, it is. :yoda:
[Jun 4,2009 9:44am - RustyPS ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
RustyPS said:
Ghost In The Shell (2010) (with NO CGI...wut?)

Wait, a live action Ghost in the Shell, minus CGI? I find that very hard to believe. Also, worst idea since the Evangelion live action.


"Ghost In The Shell (2010)
Earlier this year, Spielberg was angling to make the first non-CGI version of the post-cyberpunk anime series that features Motoko Kusanagi, a female cyborg fighting technological crimes in a future Japan (what are the odds the locale will change?). The project is being developed by Dreamworks and Marvel supremo Ari Arad."
[Jun 4,2009 9:48am - goatcatalyst ""]
for those unfamiliar with the majesty

[Jun 4,2009 10:00am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
A Ghost in the Shell live action, with absolutely no CGI flourishings throughout, sounds absolutely impossible. Besides, Hollywood doesn't use real special effects anymore. I'll believe this when I see it.
[Jun 4,2009 10:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Speilburg has been slipping away from us lately.
[Jun 4,2009 1:33pm - spaldino  ""]
they will fuck up my favorite movie of all time... so sad. Ghost in the Shell doesnt need to be made into live action. i mean... if they follow the manga then whatever... it will suck but wont ruin the first movie. if they go the remake route... it will crush everything i hold sacred about that movie.

the Deadpool movie will be awesome. ever since i saw origins it has rekindled my love of the Deadpool comics and i've been reading them as they come out. sooooo good.

i thought they already remade Evil Dead... it was called Evil Dead 2. there is no need to touch it.

Iron Fist could be cool if there is a Deadpool cameo or if Deadpool is part of the story... otherwise no one cares about Iron Fist.
[Jun 4,2009 1:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
Somebody needs to grow some balls and make a GOOD Mario movie or a Zelda movie that is not a kids movie.
[Jun 4,2009 1:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]
or how about somebody grow some balls and make a really good original movie! *gasp* who would've thunk it.
[Jun 4,2009 1:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
that's where Mel Gibson comes in.. with his movies in dead languages and all.
[Jun 4,2009 1:56pm - boblovesmusic ""]
well I suppose this wouldn't be a completely original idea but...

Return To The Pit: The Movie
[Jun 4,2009 2:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

boblovesmusic said:well I suppose this wouldn't be a completely original idea but...

Return To The Pit: The Movie

lol ive actually thought about writing a screenplay for that
[Jun 4,2009 3:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
96 pages of "faggot" "nigger" "do a barrel roll" "pederasty" "no u"
[Jun 4,2009 3:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Almost forgot:

"Jews" moar nude/deformed children "... or u are a pussy"

Cameo from Yuqi Hu
[Jun 4,2009 3:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
i'd be willing to participate in a documentary on the boston/ne metal community. got a video cam. who's down
[Jun 4,2009 3:37pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that'd be awesome actually.
[Jun 4,2009 8:16pm - reimroc ""]
unless Masamune Shirow is going to be a part of that live action GITS remake I want nothing to do with it. the anime film is one of the best to this day I have ever viewed.
[Jun 4,2009 8:17pm - reimroc ""]
ps: same thing goes with Akira. should just stay as the animated films they are.
[Feb 24,2011 1:58pm - reimroc ""]
Red Dawn now has a wiki and imdb page for its 2011 release. Hollywood sucks.
[Feb 24,2011 1:59pm - hauptpflucker ""]
i was just going to bring up red dawn a crappy remake of a crappy movie? also remaking a christmas story... seems like a bad idea too
[Feb 24,2011 2:01pm - reimroc ""]
hey i liked red dawn.
[Feb 24,2011 2:04pm - hauptpflucker ""]
eh there were better movies about conservative patriotic kids fighting off real soldiers/terrorists from that era
[Feb 24,2011 3:16pm - immortal13 ""]
Still no Evil Dead remake, and that makes me happy. The original was too good.
[Feb 24,2011 3:19pm - immortal13 ""]
Oh and I never even bothered with the karate kid because:

1. Will Smith's son? Really?
2. Mr. Miyagi was Japanese, Jackie Chan is not
3. Why would they recreate a movie like the Karate Kid and have him be taught kung fu? Two totally different styles of martial arts, and kung fu is chinese not japanese. They fucked this all kinds of up.
[Feb 24,2011 3:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:i'd be willing to participate in a documentary on the boston/ne metal community. got a video cam. who's down

[Feb 24,2011 11:46pm - demondave ""]

immortal13 said:Still no Evil Dead remake, and that makes me happy. The original was too good.

wasn't evil dead II a remake of evil dead I ?
[Feb 24,2011 11:48pm - immortal13 ""]
No. It was a sequel.
[Feb 24,2011 11:49pm - Boozegood ""]

arilliusbm said:i'd be willing to participate in a documentary on the boston/ne metal community. got a video cam. who's down

My friend is a film-maker and has asked me about doing this multiple times.
[Feb 25,2011 7:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That new X-men looks worse and worse every month.


Only having wasted your actual X-men on fucking Rush Hour 4 (sorry, "X-Men: The Last Stand") and therefore having to plug the gaps with b-teamers and never-rans is real. (Emma Frost? "Not-running-the-Hellions" Emma Frost? Young Mystique? Fucking Havoc?!? Really?)
[Feb 25,2011 7:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
And is that supposed to be Jubilee? Knowing the way they've treated continuity so far, it's probably "an exciting new take on Apocalypse that the fans are sure to love".
[Feb 25,2011 8:42am - RustyPS ""]
that does look terrible....but January Jones looks SMOKIN

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