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Share a space at the Denby Sound Museum?

[Jun 6,2009 8:59pm - ZJD ""]
Band we share with is moving out at the end of the month. It's a midsized room, i can post actual dimensions later, we've been splitting the rent per person rather than per band because one of the three bands is a two-piece. $450 total means 50 each if your band has 4 people. There's really only room for one drum kit so we've always used mine as the room set, so if you need to practice on your own drums i'm probably going to have to play them.
[Jun 6,2009 9:08pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
someone just asked me if we had any rooms available, and if people ever split them with other bands.. so let me call them and see if they're into this idea for ya.
[Jun 7,2009 12:56am - ZJD ""]
thanks duuuuuuude
[Jun 7,2009 3:17am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
no problem, i game em a call, and left him a message.
[Jun 7,2009 11:02am - reimroc ""]
jimbo knows how to help a brotha out.
[Jun 8,2009 10:42pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
no answer as of now.
[Jun 13,2009 6:47am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
and, they're not interested in allston. figures.
[Jun 13,2009 9:48am - toc nli  ""]
HYEO might be into this. when can we come by to look at it? It's in Allston?
[Jun 13,2009 1:39pm - ZJD ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:and, they're not interested in allston. figures.

bummer, thanks though. what's your deal with handling this stuff? we talked to tony at the n. beacon spaces about a new room for cheaper and just not worrying about getting another band, is this your territory, too?
[Jun 18,2009 4:03pm - ZJD ""]
or let us share your space. bump.
[Jun 18,2009 4:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we practice there... i call our room the 'Nam room. its consistently 90+ degrees, has a light that makes everything look like its covered in urine, and theres camo shit hangin from the ceiling.
[Jun 18,2009 4:10pm - ZJD ""]
do you share rent with another band? do you want to?
[Jun 18,2009 4:35pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I handle the same stuff, but i handle it in Southie. And no, you can't share my apartment.
[Jun 18,2009 4:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll have to talk to the other dudes to see what their stance is on it. i think what we have now is sufficient but eventually will want a bigger room.
[Jun 19,2009 11:43am - ZJD ""]
[Jun 19,2009 11:44am - RustyPS ""]

toc%20nli said:HYEO might be into this. when can we come by to look at it? It's in Allston?

[Jun 19,2009 11:48am - thuringwethil ""]
we're practicing tonight (Friday) at 630. you wanna come see around then?
[Jun 19,2009 11:52am - RustyPS ""]
let me talk to Nick and see what's up
[Jun 19,2009 3:54pm - ZJD ""]
[Jun 19,2009 4:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
just saw this:


Hit them shits up!

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