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I'm selling my VHT 2x12 guitar cab...

[Jun 10,2009 1:06pm - blender_method ""]
... and I think you should buy it. If it can handlz Composted, then it can handlz you! :HUMP:
I'm looking for $400 for this wonderful cabinet. Let me know if you're interested. I've also used it many a time in the recording studio.

[Jun 10,2009 1:49pm - blue ""]
[Jun 10,2009 1:51pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
The true question is, can it handlz the supernatural abilities of Rich Bova?
[Jun 10,2009 1:52pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

markrichardsmobile said:The true question is, can it handlz the supernatural abilities of Rich Bova?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!@ my fucking gums. Everybody needs to cut the shit or I'm going to bleed.
[Jun 10,2009 1:54pm - W3 nli  ""]
if this is still around by the end of the month ill gladdly buy it
[Jun 10,2009 1:55pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
MSD didn't get rear ended by an 18 wheeler. He was actually fucked in the ass by Rich Bova ripping the gnarliest 16th note lead.
[Jun 10,2009 2:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jun 10,2009 2:01pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
[Jun 10,2009 2:07pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Rich Bova is actually the best thing that has happened to this board in awhile.
[Jun 10,2009 2:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
...and yet he hasn't shown his face yet.
but wait, the last time God himself showed his face was over 2000 years ago.
[Jun 10,2009 2:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
Rich Bova vs Joe Christianni in a Relapse Century Media grabass bag fighting or being pussy to the shred deth
[Jun 10,2009 4:38pm - metal_church101 ""]
I heard Rich Bova sign the cabinet and now it is worth even more $$$$$?
[Jun 10,2009 4:40pm - dreadkill ""]
rich bova doesn't need an amplifier.
[Jun 10,2009 4:43pm - metal_church101 ""]

dreadkill said:rich bova doesn't need an amplifier.

I heard he just plugs his guitar straight into his ass.

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