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Favorite Albums Of All Time!

[Jun 15,2009 7:42pm - LPCustom  ""]
If this has been done I completely apologize but I think I've seen like favorite death metal and stuff - but what would you guys say are your favorite albums of all time!? Any genre, any number (5,20,100, anything) anything!

I'm gonna think and repost later - but I'm home sick and bored as fuck - so let's see it!

Again if this has been done - sorry, and I couldn't find it - and I'll delete it or whatever if I have the power to do so!
[Jun 15,2009 7:47pm - zyklon ""]
Feel sorry for the fanatic by Morgoth
[Jun 15,2009 9:03pm - LPCustom  ""]
I'm still thinking but unquestionably:

Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue

I don't actually think there would be a ton of metal in mine. I love a lot, but don't know if they're among my favorites of all time...?
[Jun 15,2009 9:07pm - Blue ""]
Judas Priest - British Steel
Carcass - Heartwork
Hum - Downward is Heavenward
Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute
Demilich - Nepisthe
[Jun 15,2009 9:08pm - reimroc ""]
no way i can create a list. too fucking many.
[Jun 15,2009 9:09pm - LPCustom  ""]
That's almost how I'm beginning to fell too! And I do take back what I said, there probably would be a lot of metal - but probably just a ton more other stuff.
[Jun 15,2009 10:16pm - Pires ""]
I don't know if I could ever pick all time favs for anything. Love a lot of albums, yes. But to actually pick favs, that's a doozy. Too many albums introduced me to new genres and those might be considered my favs, but then there are certain albums in those said genres that are certain standouts that I'll always appreciate and love. I've rambled enough. Time to wipe my ass, as this whole statement has come directly from me being on the john, trying to squeeze out the rest of my shits. All systems clear now!
[Jun 15,2009 10:20pm - LPCustom  ""]
I like that comment Pires. I really feel as though almost everything I own is a personal favorite for it's own reason. Certainly there are some I prefer to others, but I get what you're saying for sure.
[Jun 16,2009 8:36am - RustyPS ""]
my list would be a mile long, but I definitely have favorite over other albums I own/have downloaded

....I'll probably breakdown later from boredom at work, and start listing some
[Jun 16,2009 8:55am - darkwor ""]
I think I can narrow it down to five; all have stood the test of time:

Bathory - Hammerheart
NIN - The Downward Spiral
Radiohead - OK Computer
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
[Jun 16,2009 9:04am - darkwor ""]
All you fuckers that can't decide, DECIDE!!

There's not "too many"...we're all music fanatics (unless you post here for internet points), there has to be some albums that made you that way, ones that you couldn't stop listening to, ones that brought you through your formative years that you still love. Ones that you force others to listen to. Genres and all that bullshit aside.
[Jun 16,2009 9:37am - arilliusbm ""]
I can't have favorites. It'd probably go in the 100s.
[Jun 16,2009 10:01am - darkwor ""]

[Jun 16,2009 10:18am - joeyumbrella ""]
boys night out - trainwreck

go fuck yourself.
[Jun 16,2009 10:31am - Yeti ""]
i can narrow it down to 5:

Type O Negative - October Rust
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
[Jun 16,2009 10:44am - GUY ""]
metallica- kill em all
black sabbath- master of reality
necro-i need drugs
suffocation-effigy of the forgotten
SOD-speak english or die

so hard to pick just 5, im missing atleast 10 fav. albums on this list
[Jun 16,2009 12:15pm - Eyehatehippies ""]
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Iron Maiden - Killers
Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny
Hawkwind - Hall of the Mountain Grill
Blue Cheer - Outside Inside
Black Flag - My War
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
Cro-Mags - Age of Quarrel
Entombed - Clandestine
Witchfinder General - Death Penalty

Just a couple of them for now...
[Jun 16,2009 12:51pm - MikeOvWhatever  ""]
I'm not going to fully participate in this. However...
A life without this album is a life not worth living.
[Jun 16,2009 12:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
props to GUY for putting Necro - I need Drugs
[Jun 16,2009 1:00pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I could listen to Metallica - Ride The Lightning forever.
[Jun 16,2009 1:04pm - sinistas ""]
Opeth - Still Life
Dream Theater - Scenes From A Memory
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Tori Amos - From The Choirgirl Hotel
Porcupine Tree - Deadwing
[Jun 16,2009 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
to combat my obnoxious neighbors and their incessant hip-hop blaring on Saturday i sat on my front porch with a 30 of High Life and BLASTED Ride the Lightning across the entire neighborhood. it was glorious.
[Jun 16,2009 1:21pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

Yeti said:to combat my obnoxious neighbors and their incessant hip-hop blaring on Saturday i sat on my front porch with a 30 of High Life and BLASTED Ride the Lightning across the entire neighborhood. it was glorious.

[Jun 16,2009 2:03pm - rbss  ""]
[Jun 16,2009 2:53pm - ouchdrummer ""]
The Gathering - How to measure a planet
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- The Boatman's Call
Meshuggah- Chaosphere
The Dillinger Escape Plan- Calculating Infinity
Faith No More- Angel Dust
Mr. Bungle - California
The Faceless- Planetary Duality

Those are in no particular order, and i'm sure there are plenty i forgot.. but whateva.
[Jun 16,2009 2:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
and i agree with Darkwor, all this "I can't decide" shit is cliche and predictable, get over yourselves and give us some album names!
[Jun 16,2009 2:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
I usually don't have favorites. Stuff I play only resonates off of what mood I'm in; whichever captures the atmosphere I'm in as well.
Of course I love certain albums, but I respect each one for what they are and would not want to list "5" . Like I said, my list would go in the hundreds.
[Jun 16,2009 2:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well sir, how about you give us 10 of the ones that you think you've listened to the MOST over your whole life, and if your having problems, come back later and list 90 more. K?
[Jun 16,2009 3:03pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Gorefest-"Soul Survivor"
[Jun 16,2009 3:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wouldn't say MOST listens in my life but here are a few that I can think of off the top of my hung-over head that at one point inspired me emotionally and musically:

King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops
Dissection - Somberlain
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Windir - Arntor
Menhir - Thuringia
Slayer - Hell Awaits & Reign in Blood
Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick (toss up)
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Neil Young w/ Crazyhorse - Zuma
everything by Nobuo Uematsu
everything by Hitoshi Sakimoto
Tangerine Dream - Rubycon
Klaus Schulze - Timewind

I find myself listening to more ambient-based music, 70s prog, and classical-based music than metal right now.
[Jun 16,2009 3:12pm - GUY ""]
5 more

terror-lowest of the low
emperor-in the nightside eclispe
pantera-vulgar display of power
slayer-show no mercy
[Jun 16,2009 3:13pm - blue ""]
Carcass - Necroticism
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Deftones - All
[Jun 16,2009 3:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh, and just about everything by Ulver, both old and new.
[Jun 16,2009 3:13pm - rbss  ""]
[Jun 16,2009 3:16pm - rbss  ""]
[Jun 16,2009 3:17pm - blue ""]
Death - Symbolic
Misfits - Earth AD/Walk Among Us
Braid - The Age of Octeen
Call It In the Air - Just A Morning Thought
Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
[Jun 16,2009 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
White Zombie - Astro Creep 2000
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Darkthrone - Total Death
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
[Jun 16,2009 3:18pm - rbss  ""]
[Jun 16,2009 3:19pm - rbss  ""]
[Jun 16,2009 3:22pm - blue ""]
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless
Assuck - Misery Index
Napalm Death - Utopia Banished
Autopsy - Severed Survival
[Jun 16,2009 3:35pm - darkwor ""]
aril can you give some good 70's-ish prog albums? i love rush, mahavishnu orchestra, etc. wanting to get into more.
[Jun 16,2009 3:38pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Summertime = Trips up to Newburyport and surrounding areas, blasting Novembre's Dreams D'azur
[Jun 16,2009 3:39pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Jon, probably a stupid question... but have you gotten into King Crimson? Crazy prog action with wonderful drumming.
[Jun 16,2009 3:40pm - darkwor ""]
actually i'm not familiar with any of KC. will check it out!
[Jun 16,2009 3:42pm - ouchdrummer ""]
listen to their ep "RED" first, then go from there. That particular EP is definitely in my top 10 .
[Jun 16,2009 3:43pm - LPCustom  ""]
In The Court Of... obviously slays but fucking Red is also out of control. Probably my favorite KC album!
[Jun 16,2009 3:43pm - LPCustom  ""]
Nice thinking, haha.
[Jun 16,2009 3:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
well, tell me what you've heard? are you familiar with Tull, King Crimson, Camel, Yes, Deep Purple and those bands? Aside from those bands, there are hundreds of underground prog bands from the 70s when it was in its prime but it's always best to start with the basics.
First and foremost I'd recommend understanding the fact that Pink Floyd is only the tip of the iceberg and sadly most college students with posters of The Wall or DoM don't care to delve deeper into it.
I'm starting to get more into it myself, especially some obscure and hard-to-find releases. Of course, the internet becomes your best friend in these situations so I would highly recommend the blog "Prog not Frog" .
[Jun 16,2009 3:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
[Jun 16,2009 3:49pm - darkwor ""]
my dad got me into tull, yes, spirit, some other stuff. i've heard of camel, i'll check em out. deep purple i was never really a fan of. this blog looks pretty fucking awesome though, thanks.

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