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some idiot at bonnaroo wearing a rttp sweatshirt in 90 degree weather...

[Jun 17,2009 12:02am - xanonymousx ""]


yep drugz will do that to ya
[Jun 17,2009 12:45am - blue ""]
He was an idiot just for wearing the rttp sweatshirt lulz
[Jun 17,2009 12:51am - Kevord ""]
No Aarons the idiot for saying he's gonna order more sweatshirts for years now and never does.
[Jun 17,2009 8:31am - xmikex ""]
ITT: Douche doesn't know the words to Ace of Spades
[Jun 17,2009 9:07am - reimroc ""]

xmikex said:ITT: Douche doesn't know the words to Ace of Spades


I keep watching hoping lemmy will come on stage and smash a bottle of jack daniels over his head.
[Jun 17,2009 9:50am - brian_dc ""]
hey, I know who that guy is.

I don't want to smash a bottle over his head.
[Jun 17,2009 10:00am - boblovesmusic ""]

Kevord said:No Aarons the idiot for saying he's gonna order more sweatshirts for years now and never does.

I want a RTTP sweatshirt so I can perform karaoke.
[Jun 17,2009 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
not so anonymous karaoke
[Jun 17,2009 10:20am - xanonymousx ""]
ha. yes, it was bad, but about 100 more people ran into the place it was being held at at 1AM to see what the hell was going on. goodtimes at bonnaroo
[Jun 17,2009 10:35am - reimroc ""]

brian_dc said:hey, I know who that guy is.

I don't want to smash a bottle over his head.

of course you don't. you aren't lemmy.
[Jun 17,2009 10:39am - the_reverend ""]
lemmy wouldn't do shit but fuck a black girl.
lenny on the other hand... once he was done fucking karl would so do something. and by that I mean a whole lot of nothing.
[Jun 17,2009 10:53am - xanonymousx ""]

brian_dc said:hey, I know who that guy is.

I don't want to smash a bottle over his head.

[Jun 17,2009 11:52am - goatcatalyst ""]
I thought Bonaroo was some big outdoor shindig.

This looks like a talent show at the Kozy Kitchen or something.

Music stand onstage? Really???
[Jun 17,2009 12:33pm - reimroc ""]
[Jun 17,2009 12:35pm - brian_dc ""]
it is my guess that this was the main stage.
[Jun 17,2009 1:17pm - xanonymousx ""]
oh this was the main stage, this is the same spot the boss and phish played...
nahh this was the fuse barn, where they had AC. i only put the shirt on during this time.
i saw the dillinger escape plan after and had a bloody eye, maybe payback from this horrible performance.
[Jun 17,2009 1:42pm - reimroc ""]
did not know this was you. lemmy is still god.
[Jun 17,2009 2:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pretty rad that you guys played Bonaroo.
[Jun 17,2009 2:51pm - titd nli  ""]
lol at the dude spazzing out in the crowd
[Jun 17,2009 2:53pm - brian_dc ""]

goatcatalyst said:Pretty rad that you guys played Bonaroo.

haha...it's live karaoke.

But still, put on your "I fucking rule" resume that you played at Bonaroo.
[Jun 17,2009 2:57pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Don't know how Bonaroo is now that MTV bought it out, but some of the best drugs and psychedelics I've consumed have come from that fest.
[Jun 17,2009 2:58pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
and Gathering of the Vibes.
[Jun 17,2009 3:08pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
who doesn't know Ace of Spades? idiot. SHould have picked Blink 182
[Jun 17,2009 9:24pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Gathering of the Vibes... i've gotten at least a COUPLE strange, hard to find things at TGOTV
[Jun 17,2009 10:02pm - xanonymousx ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:Don't know how Bonaroo is now that MTV bought it out, but some of the best drugs and psychedelics I've consumed have come from that fest.

i barely remember this... maybe from the above statement, but yes waking up being asked if i wanted mushrooms, molly or opium, was really interesting.
[Jun 17,2009 10:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I miss available drugs.
[Jun 17,2009 10:08pm - pam ""]

Kevord said:No Aarons the idiot for saying he's gonna order more sweatshirts for years now and never does.

Seriously. I've been wanting one for like half a decade now.
[Jun 17,2009 10:10pm - the_reverend ""]
If I was up on stage and it sounded like that, I would fail in a major, major way.
[Jun 17,2009 10:22pm - xanonymousx ""]
why dont you try and go to that fest rev?
i know its not a metal show, but it was awesome.

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