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Scientists Consider "Shading the Earth" to combat Global Warming

[Jun 17,2009 10:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Jun 17,2009 10:52am - arilliusbm ""]
I like Enslaved's theory of sweeping the earth clean with fire.
[Jun 17,2009 10:55am - Martins ""]
Guy doing it is an idiot. There's some other dude that has had like 50 discovery channel specials that wants to send a billions of lenses into space to deflect part of the suns rays. Something like 2%.
[Jun 17,2009 10:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
that seems like a good idea with bad consequences... or a bad idea with still bad consequences...
[Jun 17,2009 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
awe.. I was going to find a burns pic too.
[Jun 17,2009 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
this idea needs more SUVs
[Jun 17,2009 10:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:awe.. I was going to find a burns pic too.

ha it was the first thing that came to mind when i saw the article
[Jun 17,2009 11:02am - darkwor ""]
Shade = no energy for plants = this sounds like a Dr. Evil plan
[Jun 17,2009 11:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
I read as "shredding the earth" and thought this would be a Bova thread.
[Jun 17,2009 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Rich Bova is going to stand in front of the sun to save our planet from melting into oblivion
[Jun 17,2009 11:21am - the_reverend ""]
shred that shit!
[Jun 17,2009 11:24am - Bova Fett  ""]
Rich Bova will use his super speed double picking abilities to create a sonic boom, which will deflect the rays from the sun and melt the crust of the planet Mercury
[Jun 17,2009 11:41am - xmikex ""]
ITT: Everyone getting beaten to a Mr. Burns reference.
[Jun 17,2009 11:52am - dreadkill ""]
This is just like when Mr. Bu---damn, nevermind
[Jun 17,2009 11:55am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 17,2009 12:55pm - pam ""]
OR we could maybe stop destroying it instead?
[Jun 17,2009 12:56pm - pam ""]
hahah Ken
[Jun 17,2009 12:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:OR we could maybe stop destroying it instead?

nah we'll just make more laws and regulations. that usually fixes everything
[Jun 17,2009 1:02pm - pam ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
pam said:OR we could maybe stop destroying it instead?

nah we'll just make more laws and regulations. that usually fixes everything

[Jun 17,2009 1:02pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 17,2009 1:46pm - Doomkid ""]
Anthropogenic global climate change is a contestable theory.

I really don't care if its being used as a way to push for more renewable energy, responsible land management and a reason to increase funding for more climatologists' research.

However I do find it irritating when respectable news organizations give more than a deserved voice to crackpots. Any meteorologist will tell you we need much more research to really understand how the climate works, how could we possibly responsibly alter it?
[Jun 17,2009 1:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Global Warming = Carbon Tax

just another scam by the powers that be to get more money out of businesses and companies. companies that dont meet the requirements of new regulations set by goverment for carbon emission will be taxed, at which point the costs are passed on to the consumers.
[Jun 17,2009 2:32pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Fuck is my signature = correct.
[Jun 18,2009 9:26am - y_draig_goch  ""]
Yeah so let's just let companies keep burning fossil fuels without somemeans of stopping or inhibiting them. Plus all that money we were going to get from the carbon tax, pft who needs to use it to fund research into alternate fuels, they already have wayyyyyy too much funding.
[Jun 18,2009 9:54am - ddrummer ""]
so were going to essentially create our own minute nuclear winter? bad idea!
[Jun 18,2009 9:57am - burnsy ""]
I was saying boo-urns.
[Jun 18,2009 10:19am - arilliusbm ""]
We are all being taken advantage of by the elite. Sadly, greed is not only destroying society from within, but outside of us planet Earth is getting tortured as well. Sounds like hippy-talk, but in all honestly I don't give a fuck. We are destroying this planet by taking advantage of our natural resources and handling them the wrong way, all while not really realizing that the one thing that houses us is slowly dying.
We only care about profit and money and power, nothing else.
[Jun 18,2009 10:22am - arilliusbm ""]
Anyone that goes outdoors to enjoy nature should fully understand that we should not take it for advantage and most of earth's wildernesses are disappearing at an alarming rate. Preserving land and habaitats in state and national parks are a start, but it's the human greed that needs to reverse.
[Jun 18,2009 10:27am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
The same elite destroying the planet are also the same provocateurs that are offering us the solution: GO GREEN. No one is saying that rapid industrialization hasn't had a damaging effect on the environment, but there are also other natural, underlying causes as well. Taxing us to breathe is what this is leading to. Teslarian technology or you're a... ah, fuck it.
[Jun 18,2009 10:30am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:We are destroying this planet by taking advantage of our natural resources and handling them the wrong way, all while not really realizing that the one thing that houses us is slowly dying.
We only care about profit and money and power, nothing else.

the only part of this i disagree with is where you say "not really realizing". they absolutely realize it, they are all fully aware of what's happening, but for them its either change their cushy lives and massive salaries or sacrifice a lot for the sake of the planet. perfect example of NIMBY.
[Jun 18,2009 10:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Bring on the ice age. I'm ready, along with all the other neanderthals on this board.
[Jun 18,2009 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i'll be right at home. Yeti's FTW
[Jun 18,2009 11:47am - pam ""]

y_draig_goch said:Yeah so let's just let companies keep burning fossil fuels without somemeans of stopping or inhibiting them. Plus all that money we were going to get from the carbon tax, pft who needs to use it to fund research into alternate fuels, they already have wayyyyyy too much funding.


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