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If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.

[Jun 17,2009 1:59pm - Conservationist ""]
I hate droughts.
[Jun 17,2009 2:19pm - the_reverend ""]
ahahaha, it's been raining here for weeks straight. my place REALLY smells like cat piss.
[Jun 17,2009 2:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
it rains cat piss in NH now? hrmm makes sense.
[Jun 17,2009 2:20pm - the_reverend ""]
why not just pee in the kitchen sink?
[Jun 17,2009 2:34pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Or pee in the drinking fountain....I mean, if we wanted to.
[Jun 17,2009 2:34pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Did a show in Chicago at basically a squatter house, complete with freegan dumpster food spread. The bathroom had a sign that said that but a special twist.

"If its yellow, let it mellow like a fellow
If its brown, flush it down
If its red, don't let that shit get to your head"

I figure those hippies had their fair share of red shits. In regards to this thread, droughts do suck.
[Jun 17,2009 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I think the only time I had red shit was after eating a ton of marinara sauce and veggie meatballs. I felt terrible.

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