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T-Minus 4 1/2 hours til I'm at the sox game

[Jun 17,2009 2:27pm - reimroc ""]
Duck out of work early, grab a few beers, watch the sox win. Sounds like a good day to me.
[Jun 17,2009 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
yea right.. you're bringing your laptop to play CS on wifi
[Jun 17,2009 2:38pm - RustyPS ""]
have a good time man...500th straight sellout tonight, so you're gonna be a part of history
[Jun 17,2009 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
who is pitching tonight? I know wake pitched last night. Is it Lester? I'm all out of whack with that right now.
[Jun 17,2009 2:40pm - the_reverend ""]
weird, I got offered tickets yesterday for this. right behind first base of something. I turned them down. never been ther and I don't want the green monster to get me.
[Jun 17,2009 2:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Damn. You'd make a great sports photographer, too.
[Jun 17,2009 2:45pm - Aegathis ""]
Im sure he would make a great anything photographer
[Jun 17,2009 2:45pm - RustyPS ""]
Rev thinks sports are the devil
[Jun 17,2009 2:45pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:yea right.. you're bringing your laptop to play CS on wifi

naww i do that at the DC sometimes lolol
[Jun 17,2009 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
and you would probably be awesome at giving head, but I'm not going to suggest that... or did I.
[Jun 17,2009 2:46pm - RustyPS ""]
oh and Penny's going tonight
[Jun 17,2009 2:46pm - reimroc ""]

arilliusbm said:who is pitching tonight? I know wake pitched last night. Is it Lester? I'm all out of whack with that right now.

penny is pitching vs miller of the marlins
[Jun 17,2009 2:47pm - reimroc ""]
rusty beat me to it.
[Jun 17,2009 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
and I don't think sports are the devil. it's the difference between porno and fucking. if you want, get off your fat ass and play sports. otherwise you are rubbing one out.
[Jun 17,2009 2:52pm - RustyPS ""]
but what if you have no one to "play ball" with?
[Jun 17,2009 2:53pm - reimroc ""]
lol what a metaphor.
[Jun 17,2009 2:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
Played sports most of my life. Was never a typical jock dude though, everyone on the teams called be Satan. It was great.
In denile that I'm not playing baseball right now, though. I would love to be pitching right now.. got the perfect frame for it. 6'5 230lbs.
Oh well, I'll still music and watching sports.
[Jun 17,2009 2:56pm - reimroc ""]
how much is beer now at fenway? i need to know so i can guage beforehand how hard i need to laugh at people who buy it.
[Jun 17,2009 2:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Depends what you get. From what I remember for a bud light or coors light it's like 6-7 bucks. for a Sams, you're pushing 9. But I could be wrong and be thinking about Foxboro Stadium.
[Jun 17,2009 2:58pm - RustyPS ""]
I played organized sports from when I was like 5 or 6 till I graduated high school, then got lazy/didn't have the talent to play D1 ball (went to a D1 school out of high school)....one of my biggest regrets in life (all seriousness) was either not sticking with baseball or not starting football much sooner...I feel if I did either, I would've at least played some in college in either sport
[Jun 17,2009 2:59pm - RustyPS ""]
honestly, G, get bombed before the game, it'll be easier and cheaper...the beer in Fenway is watered down and over priced
[Jun 17,2009 3:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm with you dude. It's like the fucking uncle in Napoleon Dynamite. It's going to take me years to get over the fact that I gave up on baseball. My town went to the Little League World Series, I was coached by the same guy through most seasons, and one of my good friends got drafted to pitch for the Tigers.
Sadly he got cut from A team. It takes A LOT of fucking talent to go pro.
[Jun 17,2009 3:04pm - RustyPS ""]
my problem was that when I was a wuss when I was a little kid

I was afraid of swinging at the ball...I started getting over that the last few games I played, but I still quit....

and football, forget about it, I probably would've pissed myself every game in Pop Warner...but I picked it up quickly in high school when I played, and I feel if I started much earlier, I would've been much, much better at it at that point
[Jun 17,2009 3:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
what position? football, that is.
[Jun 17,2009 3:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
my boss is going to this game
[Jun 17,2009 3:10pm - RustyPS ""]
I moved around, started out at FB and LB, moved from FB to TE, then to OT (both sides)
[Jun 17,2009 3:16pm - GUY ""]
also going tonight. got tickets in the no alcohol section....hahaha fuck that
[Jun 17,2009 3:20pm - xgodzillax ""]
i used to play soccer and baseball when i was little. before 7th grade i was put on a pop warner football team, but i was kicked off before the first game for being too violent.

i played baseball until the end of 7th grade year. i made the allstars, but at that point i lost interest in sports. all i wanted to do was do skate, do drugs, play music and party. and it was like that til around early 2001
[Jun 17,2009 3:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
I used to love getting thrown out of highschool basketball games. shit was a joke.
[Jun 17,2009 3:37pm - reimroc ""]
[Jun 17,2009 3:41pm - reimroc ""]
19 minutes till i'm outta heeeeeere

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