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George Dickel Whiskey

[Jun 22,2009 9:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Only reason I'm posting about this is so all you folks who buy Jack Daniels / Jim Beam can save money.
Not every liquor stor carries "George Dickel" whiskey but if they do, fucking be on that.
Not only is it usually half the price of Jack Daniel's (way overpriced for what you get) but it's more smooth and tastes just as good, if not better.

Don't get me wrong, I love JD, but save yourself 25 bucks and buy some George Dickel.
[Jun 22,2009 9:59am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Whiskey Dickel
[Jun 22,2009 10:00am - arilliusbm ""]
haha, yea. the name sounds funny. but i'm telling you, if you enjoy whiskey then you won't be disappointed.
[Jun 22,2009 10:03am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
I'm thinking whiskey dick isn't the worst thing that can happen to a dude. I mean, think of all the bad decisions that whiskey can facilitate? It may just save your life.
[Jun 22,2009 10:05am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm glad I've never had a case of whiskey dick. At least I don't remember if I did. haha
[Jun 22,2009 10:08am - boblovesmusic ""]
*makes a note to self to get George Dickel Whiskey*

Strangely enough, I like whiskey! One of the few hard liquors I enjoy.
[Jun 22,2009 10:12am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Really? When i used to get black out crunk I was sexually useless... and those times were the times i usually didn't wanna sleep with what i brought home anyways..
[Jun 22,2009 10:12am - arilliusbm ""]
one of my liquor snob friends told me to try mr. Dickel's whiskey one day and I was blown away by how good it was, all while being half the price of the stuff everybody buys.
[Jun 22,2009 10:13am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

arilliusbm said: At least I don't remember if I did. haha

[Jun 22,2009 10:32am - Yeti ""]
i'd like to try this, i love whiskey. but fuck Jack Daniels, that shit tastes awful. Jim Beam is better, but only marginally. take pride in your alcohol!
[Jun 22,2009 10:34am - arilliusbm ""]
I guess it's generally accepted among liquor snobs that Jack Daniel's is extremely overpriced for how bad it tastes compared to other whiskeys. but everybody buys it!
[Jun 22,2009 10:38am - Yeti ""]
kind of like Bud Light. its an abomination to alcohol, but its the best selling beer in the world. i've been on an Irish whiskey kick lately.
[Jun 22,2009 11:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i been drinkin Jeremiah Weed lately. cheap and tasty bourbon
[Jun 22,2009 3:35pm - GUY ""]
old thompson
[Jun 22,2009 3:38pm - dreadkill ""]
old evan williams, he'll grab ya by the balls
[Jun 22,2009 3:43pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Woodford Reserve has been a favorite.
[Jun 22,2009 3:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Anything called George Dickel has got to be fightin' whiskey.
[Jun 22,2009 3:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Yeti said:kind of like Bud Light. its an abomination to alcohol, but its the best selling beer in the world. i've been on an Irish whiskey kick lately.

You know from Tullamore Dew?
[Jun 22,2009 9:17pm - corpus  ""]
Dickel is superior to JD. Backed.
[Jun 22,2009 9:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
"George Dickel #12 is a fine Tennessee whiskey product with some excellent flavor attributes of charcoal, grains, oak, and other taste sensations. Often compared to Jack Daniels- the chief competitor for this style of whiskey- George Dickel sets itself apart from Jack Daniels with its additional aging; changes in temperature during the charcoal mellowing process; and other slight altercations in the distilling process, making George Dickel an unique product all its own.

When I first tasted this whiskey, I decided to try it straight- right from the bottle. I knew this would make it harsher than normal, but I like to sample most products this way at first, to get a feel for what the product is like in its most raw form. And George Dickel #12, while it does taste a little harsh when served this way, is still rather smooth compared to most other whiskies and bourbons.

Served over ice, this whiskey is smoother and more drinkable, just like expected. Some people prefer to mix their whiskey with a fifty/fifty mixture of water first, to remove some of the edge. I like it served over ice and allowed to sit for just a few minutes, both to cool it off and to allow some of the ice to melt and mix with the whiskey. This seems to be sufficient, for my tastes, because it mellows the taste out with some water but not too much, and the coldness makes for a nice sipping drink."

[Dec 14,2011 12:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bump. Best Whiskey.
[Dec 14,2011 12:32pm - arktourO‘s  ""]
jack daniels has absolutely nothing going for it, it's not an original recipe, it's been watered down over the years, and it's always tasted like fucking garbage. it really is the bud light of whiskey. I PICK DICKEL
[Dec 14,2011 12:41pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Dickel Trickle Tickle
[Dec 14,2011 12:50pm - Samantha ""]
I can't believe no one has said this yet: Dickel is bro.
[Dec 14,2011 1:16pm - GUYnli  ""]
Old Thompson or GTFO
[Dec 14,2011 1:27pm - burnsy ""]
Whiskey dick is a term with dual meanings. Either you can't keep it up or it just will not go down, the latter of which makes for awesome nights.

I enjoy a jack on the rocks, but will definitely check this out. Been drinking Johnny Walker Black lately. Pretty tasty. Anyone here into scotch? Any recommendations? I hear Glenlivet is totally overrated.
[Dec 14,2011 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Seagrams 7 for the ultimate win.
[Dec 14,2011 1:30pm - burnsy ""]
Haha my college years were a deluge of VO and coke (coca-cola) nights.
[Dec 14,2011 1:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
Love the insertion of Coca Cola.
[Dec 14,2011 1:37pm - Lamp ""]

Samantha said:I can't believe no one has said this yet: Dickel is bro.

I'm now legitimately mad I didn't think of this, so you can just fuck yourself today, haha.
[Dec 14,2011 1:39pm - Samantha ""]
I think most RTTP posters go fuck themselves on a fairly regular basis.
[Dec 14,2011 1:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
Thread predates that
[Dec 14,2011 2:34pm - arktourO‘s  ""]

burnsy said:
Anyone here into scotch? Any recommendations? I hear Glenlivet is totally overrated.

Oh yeah. i love scotch more than ron burgundy. McClellan's Islay can be had for under $25 and it's one of the very few Islays. I usually just get that unless I feel like spending 40+. i would be a total scotch snob if i had hundreds of dollars to spend on scotch every week, but i need money for beer too.

I sip slow and always drink it 100% neat. i don't deal with ice or water, i think colder temperature and that tap water taste completely ruin a glass of scotch, but that's just my tastebuds.

I would never turn down a glass of Glenlivet, but most premium liquor is overpriced for what it is anyway. I easily burn through a bottle in a week, or a weekend, if I'm up until 4am just sipping and smoking when I don't have to work.

As for Bowmore Islay (another one under $30), I've had a couple strange batches that just didn't taste right.
[Dec 14,2011 2:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 14,2011 2:36pm - arktourO‘s  ""]

burnsy said:
Been drinking Johnny Walker Black

I haven't had much Johnny Walker.
Whiskey dick? Bitch please I don't even know what that is.
[Dec 14,2011 2:38pm - arktourO‘s  ""]
I wouldn't mind a good glass of bourbon right now. Old Grand Dad 114 comes to mind.
[Dec 14,2011 2:43pm - burnsy ""]
[Dec 14,2011 2:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, ark loves his scotch
[Dec 14,2011 2:46pm - FAG IS SLAGHAT  ""]

Samantha said:I think most RTTP posters go fuck themselves on a fairly regular basis.

I disagree. I find marinating my innards in my own unreleased seminal fluids does wonders for the skin and complexion. May increase testosterone also.

Also, scotch.
[Dec 14,2011 3:14pm - Colonel Mustard  ""]
Old Crow or Ancient Age!!!!
[Dec 14,2011 11:51pm - SAXLBECKETT  ""]
oly Evan Williams
[Dec 15,2011 7:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Enjoying an overpriced glass of Jameson at the hotel bar. At least the old bastard poured me a bomb.
[Dec 15,2011 8:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Dec 15,2011 8:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 15,2011 8:26pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Steal it and fund your metal bar.
[Dec 17,2011 4:54pm - Burnsy ""]
Two things:
1. Found the dickel whiskey and it was the same exact price as JD.

2. Cheers for the mclellands islay recommendation, ark. This is insanely good.
[Dec 17,2011 4:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
That sucks. I really hope they didn't raise the price. Two years ago it was twice as cheap.
I guess it depends on what liquor store you go to.
[Dec 17,2011 5:08pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah I'll check other stores but maybe they saw the thread and bumped up the price. This scotch tastes like someone built a log cabin in my mouth.
[Aug 30,2012 9:16am - arilliusbm ""]

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