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Need a Kreator Shirt!

[Mar 21,2004 7:26pm - Dissector ""]
Anybody know where I can find an old school white or gray Kreator shirt? I looked everywhere, I can't find one but I've seen them around. The only white one I've seen is the gay one on their site.

A white Sodom shirt would be nice too.
[Mar 21,2004 8:02pm - JellyFish ""]
ugh, maybe try nuclear blast website.
[Mar 21,2004 8:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Mar 22,2004 2:44pm - Dissector ""]
Thanks. I couldn't find the one I was looking for but thanks anyways guys.
[Mar 22,2004 2:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
some shirts are tour only.

why would you want a white shirt anyways? yuck.
[Mar 22,2004 3:11pm - succubus ""]
i wore the Opeth one aaron bought for me from you on Saturday!
[Mar 22,2004 4:19pm - dreadkill ""]
maybe you can kreate your own shirt...couldn't resist making that lame joke. i have a white opeth shirt. i like when bands have shirts in colors other than black. my drawers are full of black shirts. gets boring.
[Mar 22,2004 6:04pm - Dissector ""]
Exactly, black gets boring. I need to expend my wardrobe. Plus, I'm rockin the old school look, white shirts, denim jackets with the sleeves cut off, bullet belt. If its an old school band I prefer white or gray shirts.

I just bought a Rigor Mortis shirt instead.

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