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Justin Timberlake hospitalized

[Jun 26,2009 12:48pm - BSV  ""]
Dude got bit by a spider and now has a terrible skin disease called Kingovpopcoma. Shit makes your skin wicked white and turns your nose into cartiledge. Fucking brutal. Kingovpopcoma is vengenance.
[Jun 26,2009 12:48pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jun 26,2009 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
[Jun 26,2009 12:49pm - BSV  ""]
been using it all day and night on people! Brutal skin eating disease!
[Jun 26,2009 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
Kingovpopcoma is the 11th plague.
[Jun 26,2009 1:27pm - The_Rooster ""]

BSV said:been using it all day and night on people! Brutal skin eating disease!

I'll admit that I had to read it 3 times to get it.

I'm a failure.
[Jun 26,2009 1:33pm - pam ""]
Only took me twice. haha.
[Jun 27,2009 3:10am - BSV  ""]
told my boss about it, then some customer was randomly like "i had that shit, when a recluse spider bit me!" had everyone going!

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