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Guys I really don't want to go to work tomrrow...

[Jun 28,2009 11:42pm - reimroc ""]
But I have to =( At least its a 4 day week.
[Jun 28,2009 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
take this, my work moved the friday off to monday.
[Jun 29,2009 12:03am - Lamp ""]
It's kind of funny to read a person complain about going to work after all the people talking about getting laid off lately and how much it sucks.
[Jun 29,2009 12:11am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah. I really don't want to be unemployed tomorrow.
[Jun 29,2009 8:45am - BlackoutRick ""]
no shit. going on four fuckin months.
[Jun 29,2009 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
"Aaron Pepelis wakes up every sunday wishing it was saturday and every monday wishing is was sunday."
[Jun 29,2009 10:12am - dreadkill ""]
everytime i feel like i don't want to go to work, i think "at least i have a job to go to."
[Jun 29,2009 10:18am - Conservationist ""]
Everytime I don't want to go to work, I think, "At least I can PUNCH and RAPE on the way home."
[Jun 29,2009 10:29am - reimroc ""]

dreadkill said:everytime i feel like i don't want to go to work, i think "at least i have a job to go to."

I'm grateful. Just lazy.
[Jun 29,2009 10:30am - Conservationist ""]
Eat taco bell and fart the place up!
[Jun 29,2009 10:32am - reimroc ""]
eh taco bell doesn't do that to me but grapes do. don't ask me why.
[Jun 29,2009 10:33am - dreadkill ""]
grape juice does it to me
[Jun 29,2009 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
100% grape juice cleans me out.

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