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Awesome fireworks in portsmouth last night

[Jul 6,2009 12:08pm - succubus ""]
best NH fireworks ever...

another plus was that i was either getting an awesome view of the fireworks..and if not..then aaron's J Lo butt was in the way
[Jul 6,2009 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
the ones in Webster were also really good, they went for a long time.
[Jul 6,2009 1:43pm - succubus ""]
yeah the portsmotuh ones were a little longer than usual too
[Jul 6,2009 1:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nothing better than celebrating an the birth of America with a Chinese invention.
[Jul 6,2009 3:02pm - reimroc ""]
[Jul 6,2009 3:04pm - the_reverend ""]
aril: simpsons did it.

the ptown fireworks were great. took a bunch of pictures. there is one in my fb.
[Jul 6,2009 5:30pm - the_reverend ""]

I shot most with film so I'm waiting for those to come back. I think my film was a batch of fail.

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