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CANCELLED Sep 26 (Sat) - Shroud of Bereavement, Todesbonden, Gwynbleidd, Dreaded Silence - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

9.26.09 - Shroud of Bereavement, Todesbonden, Gwynbleidd, Dreaded Silence @ Ralph's Diner / Worcester, MA

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jul 8,2009 10:03pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]
[Jul 8,2009 10:47pm - sinistas ""]
I'm very much looking forward to this.
[Jul 8,2009 10:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 8,2009 11:08pm - MetalThursday ""]

[Jul 8,2009 11:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so glad you found a venue for this. also been fiending
to see Gwynbleidd
[Jul 8,2009 11:09pm - MetalThursday ""]
we made it happen just for you tom!
[Jul 8,2009 11:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 8,2009 11:13pm - Blue ""]
there had better be at least 32 channels of monitors.
[Jul 8,2009 11:14pm - MetalThursday ""]
that didn't take long
[Jul 8,2009 11:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
in-ear monitors or GTFO
[Jul 8,2009 11:19pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
This show has copious amounts of win.
[Jul 8,2009 11:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This looks like a good time.
[Jul 8,2009 11:30pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Adding Gwynbleidd to this just made it even more tastier! I'm there!
[Jul 9,2009 1:12am - I_am_not_me ""]
[Jul 9,2009 3:30am - Avalonwinds ""]
Can't wait for this show.
[Jul 9,2009 7:46am - Yeti ""]
oh fuck yeah, i'm so glad i'm back living where it takes like 10 minutes to walk to Ralph's.
[Jul 9,2009 8:23am - dreadkill ""]
this is going to be the best show EVAR!
[Jul 9,2009 11:54am - dyingmuse ""]
Nice flyer Ari! Stoked to be playing with such great bands!

The last time we did anything with either band was like 06? 07?

And DS rock as always.

Epic Win!
[Jul 9,2009 11:57am - arilliusbm ""]
should be a great show. I might be in california during this, but I hope not. if so, someone live stream via webcam plz, k thx
[Jul 10,2009 9:22am - sfarog  ""]
looking forward to this show, hope to see Ralph's packed.
[Jul 11,2009 4:01pm - dyingmuse ""]
me too!
[Jul 16,2009 11:38pm - dyingmuse ""]

And... Anyone else had problems making an event page on Myspace? It's fucking pissing me off, It keeps having this pop up that wont go away rendering the page useless because it stays in front of the info box and you cant read it to enter the info.
[Jul 17,2009 3:41pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]
Yeah, MySpace sucks balls when it comes to creating/editing events.
[Jul 27,2009 10:36pm - MetalThursday ""]
Show has been moved to October 10th, same lineup, same place.

Starting new thread.

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