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UFC 100

[Jul 11,2009 6:18pm - GUY ""]
anyone watchin. i want frank mir to fuck lesnar up badly. i also wouldnt mind watchin the brit and canuck get rocked too
[Jul 11,2009 6:27pm - oscarct ""]
Will be watching this tonight @ the bar.
[Jul 11,2009 6:28pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jul 11,2009 6:49pm - pam ""]
Got people coming over to watch here. I think Mir will win, GSP win (although Alves is a monster and may take it) and I want Henderson to KILL Bisping but I have a terrible feeling he won't.

[Jul 11,2009 6:55pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
watchin this with some friends tonight...yeah i hope Bisping
loses too...I liked him til he started being a cocky asshole on
the "Ultimate Fighter" series...now I want him to fail.
[Jul 11,2009 6:56pm - pam ""]
He was a whiny little bitch on TUF. I hope he eats his teeth.
[Jul 11,2009 7:06pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I am looking forward to this.
[Jul 11,2009 7:42pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
UFC is like watching gay sex. I'd rather watch real boxing.
[Jul 11,2009 7:47pm - spaldino  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:UFC is like watching gay sex. I'd rather watch real boxing.

probably the most informed and least unbiased opinion EVAR.

[Jul 11,2009 8:23pm - GUY ""]
R.I.P. arturo gatti
[Jul 11,2009 11:39pm - xanonymousx ""]
my brother invited his 'friends' to come over and watch this on the big screen...
there is a fat fuck that looks like buddah haaha
[Jul 12,2009 1:38am - spaldino  ""]
cant wait til people start posting pictures of Mir's face post-fight.
[Jul 12,2009 1:39am - GUY ""]
bisping got rocked so badly! instant classic
[Jul 12,2009 9:31am - pam ""]
Boxing is fucking stupid.

Holy fuck, Mir fight looked like a snuff film, that shit was brutal. I am not a Lesnar fan, that sucked.

Bisping getting his bell rung was beautiful. I'm having a laugh at everyone that said Alves would kill GSP. WRONG.
[Jul 12,2009 10:33am - SkinSandwich ""]
A bunch of meatheads rolling around on the mat is the gay. Sticking their junk in each others faces.
[Jul 12,2009 11:55am - SteveSummoned ""]
There should be a friggin Super Heavyweight division, Lesner is like twice the size of everyone in UFC.
[Jul 12,2009 12:25pm - spaldino  ""]
Lesnar is like 35 pounds heavier than Mir... he weighs less than Sylvia does.
[Jul 12,2009 12:31pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
He's just taller.
[Jul 12,2009 12:41pm - spaldino  ""]
Mir and Lesnar are both 6'3"
[Jul 12,2009 12:41pm - spaldino  ""]
for a good point of reference... i am 6'3" as well... if you've ever met me
[Jul 12,2009 2:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Video of the Henderson KO needs to be posted everywhere. That 2nd hit was fuckin brutal.
[Jul 12,2009 2:26pm - lbpvd  ""]
i totally agree GSP should be champion because hes a good all around fighter but hes soooo fucking boring to watch. i cant stand watching his fights.

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