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Alash Ensemble: Throat Singing of Tuva concert on Sunday

[Jul 15,2009 5:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
This is something I'm going to this Sunday and figured someone among this group might be interested! (I'm also participating in the 3 day workshop)

The Alash Ensemble, the premiere contemporary ensemble of Tuva, lead a three-day workshop at NEC in Central Asian vocal music. The July 19th concert marks the end of the first day of this Summer Intercultural Institute.

8PM at Brown Hall at NEC
290 Huntington Ave (around the corner on Gainsborough)
$20 at the door
the NEC event page

I've seen these guys before and they were awesome! Really cool stuff!
[Jul 15,2009 5:14pm - dreadkill ""]
awesome, wish i could go
[Jul 16,2009 10:55am - boblovesmusic ""]
bump this for anyone who missed it!
[Jul 16,2009 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
This thread just made me want a tuva sandwich for lunch.
Sounds interesting..
[Jul 16,2009 12:51pm - I_am_not_me ""]
Dammit, the one Sunday I'm working.
[Jul 16,2009 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
Throat Singing of Bova
[Jul 16,2009 2:23pm - xmikex ""]
Throat Shredding of Bova
[Jul 20,2009 3:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]
this show ruled by the way. incredible stuff! There were a couple songs that I was thinking "hey these melody lines would make great metal riffs!" haha

I'm learning how to do it, it's kinda hard, but I think I'm getting it haha.

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