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Symphony X appreciation

[Jul 15,2009 8:21pm - Murph ""]
Been listening today to copious amounts of The Divine Wings of Tragedy, Twilight in Olympus, and V.

So epically awesome, and never before have I wanted to own an IROC Z with a wizard airbrushed on the hood, this badly.

[Jul 15,2009 9:44pm - spaldino  ""]
[Jul 15,2009 10:55pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
My favorite Progressive/Power band. They have so much skill at songwriting and I LOVE Michael's voice.
[Jul 16,2009 1:46am - I_am_not_me ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Michael's voice.

[Jul 16,2009 4:09am - zenerik NLI  ""]

I_am_not_me said:
MillenialKingdom said:Michael's voice.


A sad fail. :spineyes:
[Jul 16,2009 4:30am - Avalonwinds ""]
Romeo's lead work makes me want to be a fat ugly bastard and do nothing but play guitar and write Prog.

Oh wait.

He still is fucking amazing.
[Jul 16,2009 11:27am - MillenialKingdom ""]

I_am_not_me said:
MillenialKingdom said:Michael's voice.


Fuck, I had a mix-up. I love RUSSELL'S voice.
[Jul 16,2009 11:28am - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm not good with names, dammit.
[Jul 16,2009 11:34am - brian_dc ""]
I was so obsessed with this band in high school.

Let's make the shed uninhabitable for Jake.
[Jul 16,2009 11:45am - boblovesmusic ""]
Symphony X was the band that got me into metal (well one of them, but still). Still one of my favorite bands ever. Paradise Lost was a great album too.

Met Russell Allen once at a show. I was talking to the chick from Echoes Of Eternity (shut up I like them!) at a show in Poughkeepsie and I was like "I saw you guys with Symphony X awhile ago and you guys were awesome blah blah!" This big burly dude is like "Symphony X SUCKS!" and I'm like "WTF!? No they don't, they rule!" The dude replies, "No, they're awful." The chick is shaking her head and is like "this is Russell Allen from Symphony X." Then I'm like "I'M NOT WORTHY I'M NOT WORTHY!" Later on got a picture with him and he said that I was awesome for sticking up for Symphony X.

[Jul 16,2009 12:08pm - spaldino  ""]
half the band is named Michael... so you were close, haha.
[Jul 16,2009 12:56pm - I_am_not_me ""]

spaldino said:half the band is named Michael... so you were close, haha.

I was gonna say that.
[Nov 6,2009 2:55pm - arktouros ""]

Album slays. STFU
[Nov 6,2009 2:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i love this band. Ya ever heard Mayadome?
[Nov 6,2009 3:04pm - aril  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i love the fact that this band is so overrated like dream theater

[Nov 6,2009 4:46pm - ouchdrummer ""]
um.... no. I also love Dream Theater. "Metropolis Part 2 - Scenes from a memory" is my fav prog (besides maybe some King Crimson) album of all time. Great stuff.
[Nov 6,2009 4:51pm - aril  ""]
I've argued tooth and nail with some of my friends on how I think dream theater gets extremely stale after a few songs
[Nov 6,2009 4:52pm - ouchdrummer ""]
That's silly. Why would you argue opinion? HMMMMMM JIM? HMMMMMMMM!?
[Nov 6,2009 4:57pm - aril  ""]
Because debating about music is fun and in the end everyone looks like a douche. Awake is dt's best work. I can say that a few dt songs on each album are "look what I can do" songs. Admirable musicianship, but that doesn't make me fall in love with em.
[Nov 6,2009 4:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
shut up duchebag, it was a joke!
[Nov 6,2009 5:03pm - aril  ""]
You failed me for the last time, admiral. To Hoth you go
[Nov 6,2009 5:57pm - ark  ""]
aril jim, this album is light on the wank and heavy on composition. wank to it will ya.
[Nov 6,2009 5:57pm - ark  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i love this band. Ya ever heard Mayadome?
no but cool name.
[Nov 6,2009 6:06pm - aril  ""]
Divine Wings? It's ok. I do like the neoclassical style composition they do. But again, never liked many proggy powerish metal bands.
[Nov 6,2009 6:26pm - ark  ""]
paradise lost i mean. but i hear ya. i like the gems.
[Nov 6,2009 10:13pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I first discovered Symphony X when someone told me they sounded like Dream Theater with Dio singing. It might not exactly fit that bill, but these guys ROCK. They're not my #1 favorite, but I rarely skip a song if it comes up on shuffle, and I can easily listen to Paradise Lost and Divine Wings front to back with nary a dull moment.
[Oct 11,2012 2:50pm - Alx_Casket ""]

[Oct 11,2012 2:57pm - Mark_R ""]
Seeing them open with that song last month was way cool. The rest of their set, same old same old (by which I mean, same new same new).
[Oct 11,2012 3:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Oct 11,2012 3:22pm - Burnsy ""]
New album is decent. Odyssey will probably forever remain my favorite release from them.
[Oct 11,2012 3:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Mark_R said:Seeing them open with that song last month was way cool. The rest of their set, same old same old (by which I mean, same new same new).

Dammit, I would've loved to see that!
[Oct 11,2012 9:10pm - wut  ""]
The Divine Wings, Twilight and V are easily the only truly good Symphony X albums.

Jealous of Mark going to Progpower, but at the same time, only playing albums in entirety for the 15th anniversary is real. Not playing one song off it for the 15th anniversary.
[Oct 11,2012 10:35pm - LucidCurse ""]
Fuck this band
[Oct 11,2012 10:41pm - Burnsy ""]
Killer riffage, epic songs, great vocals with a wide range, awesome solos, sick drummer. Yeah, fuck all that.Pussy shit.
[Oct 12,2012 12:13am - LucidCurse ""]

Burnsy said:Killer riffage, epic songs, great vocals with a wide range, awesome solos, sick drummer. Yeah, fuck all that.Pussy shit.

[Oct 12,2012 12:18am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Apologies sirs, I thought I'd stumbled into the overrated thread.

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