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Guys when a sign says "Don't jump from here" Heed its warning.

[Jul 19,2009 8:33pm - reimroc ""]
[Jul 19,2009 8:38pm - DEAD BILLY MAYS  ""]
[Jul 19,2009 8:47pm - reimroc ""]
[Jul 19,2009 9:16pm - the_reverend ""]
it played like crap on my computer... but I'm not to glad that I watched that while eating. I can't believe he is still alive.
[Jul 19,2009 9:33pm - immortal13 ""]
The fact that he was still alive is fucked up. After something like that I'd want to be dead.
[Jul 19,2009 9:40pm - SteveSummoned ""]
Yep...I just cringed watching that. I hate the crack you hear as he hits.
[Jul 19,2009 9:49pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Wow. That is simply unbelievable. The fact that he's alive is just the most astonishing thing.
[Jul 19,2009 10:02pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
I can't wait to get to work so I can watch this.
[Jul 19,2009 10:04pm - SteveSummoned ""]
If the guy lived after what probably was an 18+ hour operation he'll never be the same again. I bet a good part of his brain was probably lost so he's overall fucked.

See kids...this is what happens when meat heads try to impress girls.
[Jul 19,2009 10:19pm - FlightlessBird ""]
Fuck dude, that's hideous.
[Jul 19,2009 10:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
talk about a splitting headache
[Jul 19,2009 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 19,2009 10:42pm - reimroc ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:talk about a splitting headache

[Jul 20,2009 1:40am - markrichardsslamtrak  ""]
NNNOOOOO, website blocked at work :(
[Jul 20,2009 5:42am - goatcatalyst ""]
Judging from the above posts, I'm stoked to watch this.
[Jul 20,2009 8:14am - RustyPS ""]
I just got nauseous....wow
[Jul 20,2009 8:21am - rbss  ""]
What a fucking idiot. Deserves what he got. He's just real unlucky he didn't die instantly. The most disturbing part of the video is definitely the screams of anguish from the women in the background.
[Jul 20,2009 12:28pm - badsneakers ""]
[Jul 20,2009 12:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
This reminds me of "Good Idea, Bad Idea" from Animaniacs.
[Jul 20,2009 2:05pm - c.dead  ""]
I didn't click on the link, but I know I watched this yesterday. I thought the worst part was when they were trying to put the head back together. Fucking retard.
[Jul 20,2009 2:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
so that's what happened to michael jackson's nose..
[Jul 20,2009 4:59pm - SacNLI  ""]
That doctor apparently has experience in making open-face sandwiches.
[Jul 20,2009 4:59pm - SacNLI  ""]
I wonder if the guy's name was Reuben...
[Jul 20,2009 7:22pm - deathchick ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Wow. That is simply unbelievable. The fact that he's alive is just the most astonishing thing.

I doubt it's the same guy. The second half is pasted on.. could be someone else.
[Jul 20,2009 7:22pm - deathchick ""]
but either way... fucked up that the split face guy is alive
[Jul 20,2009 7:34pm - quintessence ""]
Video is such bad quality its hard for me to really see much. This is why when you jump into water over rocks or hard things. YOU DON'T FUCKING DIVE.
[Jul 20,2009 11:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
It's even more hilarious that nobody was speaking English.
[Jul 21,2009 3:58pm - anonymous  ""]

reimroc said:http://www.nothingtoxic.com/media/1247875221/Guys_Head_Split_in_Half_on_Ledge_Jump_That_Doesnt_Go_Well
  • blank
  • http://
    [Jul 21,2009 4:06pm - inject-now ""]

    SacNLI said:That doctor apparently has experience in making open-face sandwiches.


    best video
    [Jul 23,2009 7:44am - Yeti ""]
    this was incredible, though as Deathchick stated above i'm not sure that the second half of the video is the same guy. the second half looks like a failed suicide attempt. i could be wrong, but that also seems like the damage is way more extensive than the jumper would have sustained. i mean he hit that hard, but i'm not so sure it would have ripped his face open like that. either way, whether its the same person or not, he won't ever be the same.

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