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ACDC and Anvil at Gillette 7/28

[show listing]  _______________________________
[Jul 22,2009 12:22pm - BSV  ""]
Anybody else going? I totally scored free tickets to this from my work. Fucking PUMPED. Never seen ACDC and have never even been inside the stadium yet.
[Jul 22,2009 12:24pm - reimroc ""]
This will be my third time seeing them. Will be awesome.
[Jul 22,2009 1:25pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
I won tickets to this from Josh. I'm going to AC/DC
[Jul 22,2009 1:27pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
anvil? for real?
[Jul 22,2009 1:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
since i cant to go to this i will instead turn the volume to 11 on any AC/DC record and consume a case of the cheapest beer i can find.
[Jul 22,2009 1:57pm - LPCustom  ""]
First - I like their new album quite a bit, anyone else?

Second - Judas Priest or AC/DC live? I probably have money for one and not the other. I probably have more AC/DC albums but like them both probably the same. If I skip one of these shows who is the harder act to catch live/who doesn't tour as frequently?
[Jul 22,2009 2:19pm - thuringwethil ""]
holy crap AC/DC just RULES live AND on record.

I wonder if Anvil will whine about not headlining over them.
[Jul 22,2009 3:41pm - GUY ""]
just got tix for 25 bucks
[Jul 28,2009 8:55am - BSV  ""]

madoakdevin%20nli said:I won tickets to this from Josh. I'm going to AC/DC

Josh who?

SHOW IS TODAY! Havn't been to a stadium show in forever, should be sweet!
[Jul 28,2009 10:50am - Whoremastery ""]
wish i was goin so bad!
[Jul 28,2009 10:55am - porphyria  ""]
was going to shoot it then the label said I had to be shooting for a specific publication reviewing the show so a no-go on the photo creds, then to make things worse they gave my two tickets to a radio station. fucking record labels.
[Jul 28,2009 11:01am - kangaroo jack  ""]
luckily, I've heard that 1 song that they do.....a million fucking times!!!

AC/DEE-CEE=EPIC FAIL!!!! Most overated band on the planet.
[Jul 28,2009 2:03pm - xanonymousx ""]
i got thursday off instead of today.
would have loved to see this.
[Jul 28,2009 3:52pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:11am - porphyria  ""]
Ended up with 2 sweet tix and a press pass and got to shoot everyone, yes! Except after the first 3 acdc songs I had to bring my camera back to the car which was like a mile away. Fortunately I was able to get back in for the rest of the show!
[Jul 29,2009 2:11am - Whoremastery ""]
got to go...got tix from a scalper 22nd row for only 40 bucks plus free parking...happy b day to me...ac/dc kicked ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. im fuckin hammered!
[Jul 29,2009 2:16am - Sacreligion ""]
Even German can't linguistically describe how much I loathe this band.
[Jul 29,2009 10:49am - Kadoog‘n‘stuff  ""]
People who hate AC/DC hate rock and roll and all it stands/stood for.

Actually that might not be true. But how can you LOATHE a band that's stuck to their guns more than any other band ever, other than maybe Motorhead? At least respect em...

and yeah, Bon Scott was a trillion times better than Brian Johnson, but STILL...c'mon...
[Jul 29,2009 10:55am - boblovesmusic ""]
I probably would've gone if it wasn't at Gillette. It's too big for my tastes.

The TD Garden or whatever it's called is my size limit.
[Jul 29,2009 10:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
also I was at the Dinotour show... hehe
[Jul 29,2009 11:20am - reimroc ""]

Kadoog‘n‘stuff said:People who hate AC/DC hate rock and roll and all it stands/stood for.

Actually that might not be true. But how can you LOATHE a band that's stuck to their guns more than any other band ever, other than maybe Motorhead? At least respect em...

and yeah, Bon Scott was a trillion times better than Brian Johnson, but STILL...c'mon...

I agree. You don't know Rock n' Roll if you don't like AC/DC
[Jul 29,2009 11:23am - LPCustom  ""]
Wish I went to this - but hopefully they'll come around one more time for this album cycle or at least soon.
[Jul 29,2009 11:27am - BSV  ""]
show was fucking mint, definately the best stage show I've ever seen.
Quit music if you hate AC/DC!
[Jul 29,2009 11:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
My dumb girlfriend got to go for free and she doesn't even like the band. I'm wearing my busted-ass AC/DC shirt today in mourning.
[Jul 29,2009 11:44am - Whoremastery ""]

BSV said:show was fucking mint, definately the best stage show I've ever seen.
Quit music if you hate AC/DC!

No shit!
[Jul 29,2009 11:55am - porphyria  ""]
my photos:




What a surprise, NOTHING from Powerage...
[Jul 29,2009 12:39pm - BSV  ""]
it was WEIRD not being at a metal show.
the Bon Scott songs got the biggest and best reaction. It blows my mind why more and more people don't listen to that era and only stick with Brian Johnson. All I heard in the parking lot yesterday was Back in Black, it's like eating before a big meal! Dealing with an irate older women who I accidently split beer on (during a high five to my buddy) was a testament to the type of medicore people that are attracted to big shows like these.
Traffic blew on the way home, good thing I had buds and beer along with King Diamond's Deadly Lullabye's.
[Jul 29,2009 12:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]

BSV said:it was WEIRD not being at a metal show.
the Bon Scott songs got the biggest and best reaction. It blows my mind why more and more people don't listen to that era and only stick with Brian Johnson. All I heard in the parking lot yesterday was Back in Black, it's like eating before a big meal! Dealing with an irate older women who I accidently split beer on (during a high five to my buddy) was a testament to the type of medicore people that are attracted to big shows like these.
Traffic blew on the way home, good thing I had buds and beer along with King Diamond's Deadly Lullabye's.

AC/DC and Anvil are totally metal enough to call it a metal show!
[Jul 29,2009 12:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
i should have went.

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