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The Unholy Union of the Quadruple Bass Drum Blast

[Jul 24,2009 12:58pm - Alexecutioner ""]
what... the... fuck?


[Jul 24,2009 12:58pm - Alexecutioner ""]
haha, i have no idea how to embed the video on here
[Jul 24,2009 12:59pm - brian_dc ""]
this went well

[Jul 24,2009 1:00pm - Alexecutioner ""]
this guy is a d-bag, the only thing he is missing is a pony tail
[Jul 24,2009 1:00pm - Yeti ""]
you have failed me for the last time, Admiral.
[Jul 24,2009 1:01pm - Alexecutioner ""]
this guy is retarted, the idea sounds awesome but the execution is poor

[Jul 24,2009 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm so confused.
[Jul 24,2009 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
the Alexecution would have been maaaahvelous.
[Jul 24,2009 1:04pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
[Jul 24,2009 1:16pm - narkybark ""]
without even watching them, I'm amused by all the videos being 2 stars
[Jul 24,2009 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ha what a jagoff
[Jul 24,2009 2:19pm - No_Redemption ""]
the drummer from that attack attack band should rock this set up, that would make them ultra br00tul.
[Jul 24,2009 2:23pm - darkwornli  ""]
hahah... if you can't play with 2, you can't play.

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