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What is my ex intitled to if we have a kid

[Jul 30,2009 7:54am - fuck?!  ""]
We're seperated, not married and she's getting the kid. She tells me she can take 25% of my paycheck and take half of whatever everything else costs. Is she retarded? This can't be true. I'm sure she's right about the 25% though. but beyond that, I think she's full of it. Anyone else have to go through this? What does child support end up costing a week. I only make like 30K right now
[Jul 30,2009 7:58am - Yeti ""]
that's what you get for having a kid.
[Jul 30,2009 8:02am - slymo ""]
yeah it's true they usually can. in fact i have a friend whos wife cheated on him, they got a divorce, and she somehow still managed to collect from him.
[Jul 30,2009 8:05am - goatcatalyst ""]
That's why Lowe's sells those bags of lime, buddy.
[Jul 30,2009 8:08am - BILLY "BABYMAMA" MAYS  ""]

fuck?! said:We're seperated, not married and she's getting the kid. She tells me she can take 25% of my paycheck and take half of whatever everything else costs. Is she retarded? This can't be true. I'm sure she's right about the 25% though. but beyond that, I think she's full of it. Anyone else have to go through this? What does child support end up costing a week. I only make like 30K right now



[Jul 30,2009 8:25am - SkinSandwich ""]
Why is she getting the kid? Did you not fight for your spud?
[Jul 30,2009 8:49am - sever ""]
Child support is set up by the courts. She can't decide how much shes going to take, a judge (or similar legal figure) has to.
[Jul 30,2009 8:53am - SkinSandwich ""]
I am sick of cunts using their kids as a weapon against dads. This just fucks the kid up later on. All vindictive cunts need to be burned slowly at the stizzake. Sever is right, don't listen to the whore. She does not dictate shit, and be sure to look into your parental rights unless your a deadbeat and don't give a shit. If that is the case pound boulders up your tally hole.
[Jul 30,2009 9:22am - arilliusbm ""]
Child support in MA varies depending on how much you make. It's generally 15-25% of your paycheck (each one) and usually the mother has custody of the child.
When you go to court, you can file for joint custody if you'd like. But usually the mother is always the primary caretaker unless proven unfit.
It's very expensive and time consuming having a kid (especially if you're younger) so be prepared for a big change in your life.
And fuck all the haters, having a kid is very rewarding, regardless of what the situation is.
[Jul 30,2009 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
you sound like a christian after school special there.
[Jul 30,2009 9:27am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 30,2009 9:27am - dreadkill ""]
aril is right. having a kid is indeed very rewarding, no matter what else happens. i wouldn't trade my daughter for anything in the world. she's the best thing to ever happen to me.
[Jul 30,2009 9:27am - SkinSandwich ""]
I am a single father raising my kids by myself. Their mother is a dead beat junkie who I hope suffocates slowly. I know there are more single moms out there, but there are the pops like me too. We get railroaded all the time unlike the single moms who get whatever they want. I had to fight tooth and nail to have my ex cunt finally arrested for never paying child support. it took almost five years to finally arrest her and revoke her license. But of course she was out that night, not paying my kids child support and is driving illegally. She owes my kids over $15,000 in support and I know they will never see that. if the roles were reversed I would have been in jail the next day. Fuck all probate courts and their attitudes towards single dads.
[Jul 30,2009 9:29am - the_reverend ""]

dreadkill said:aril is right. having a kid is indeed very rewarding, no matter what else happens. i wouldn't trade my daughter for anything in the world. she's the best thing to ever happen to me.
Not even for this bag of magic beans? white kids fetch a lot on the black market.
[Jul 30,2009 9:29am - arilliusbm ""]

SkinSandwich said: Fuck all probate courts and their attitudes towards single dads.
[Jul 30,2009 9:35am - dreadkill ""]

SkinSandwich said:if the roles were reversed I would have been in jail the next day. Fuck all probate courts and their attitudes towards single dads.

dads totally get shafted when it comes to the law. You deserve a lot of credit for raising your boys alone.
[Jul 30,2009 9:39am - brian_dc ""]
Damn...this is why I wear a condom at all times. (currently wearing a Durex™)
[Jul 30,2009 9:40am - boblovesmusic ""]
first of all, you're asking legal advice from a crazy metal/hardcore forum that has threads about taking shits at the work place...
[Jul 30,2009 9:41am - brian_dc ""]
But there are a few single fathers here who have useful advice.
[Jul 30,2009 9:41am - arilliusbm ""]
98% of the people on this board would be horrible parents at this point in their life, no offense!
[Jul 30,2009 9:48am - SkinSandwich ""]

dreadkill said:
SkinSandwich said:if the roles were reversed I would have been in jail the next day. Fuck all probate courts and their attitudes towards single dads.

dads totally get shafted when it comes to the law. You deserve a lot of credit for raising your boys alone.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. It's not easy, but worth it. they are awesome spuds. Brian DC, you are not wearing a magnum? Damn son! I got snipped so no more kids for me. Good times.
[Jul 30,2009 10:17am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

SkinSandwich said: I got snipped so no more kids for me. Good times.

me too. one 11 year old girl and an almost 2 year old son. Wife and I were seperated for 7 years, got back together 9 months and almost 2 years ago...hehe, 7 year make up sex is GOLD!!
[Jul 30,2009 10:20am - brian_dc ""]
mmm...sex aged like a fine wine
[Jul 30,2009 11:16am - xgodzillax ""]
i avoid making 'uh ohs' by pulling out and spreading my children on a face
[Jul 30,2009 11:23am - pam ""]

arilliusbm said:
SkinSandwich said: Fuck all probate courts and their attitudes towards single dads.

Backed. I know plenty of women that should have never kept custody of their kids, the system is totally biased and the only people it hurts are the kids.

For the poster seeking legal advice on RTTP (haha): Go for joint custody, definitely. Don't you dare forefit your 50% of the say in what goes on with the kid.

She can take a percentage of all your paychecks but really...if she's taking care of feeding, clothing, warming/cooling, housing, school clothes, etc primarily...she needs it. I know some moms are cunts and get their nails did with child support, but the majority do not. One income and a child is REALLY difficult. Factor in child care and forget it.

Don't let her take you to the cleaners but child support is not there to fuck you over.

50% of your shared property sounds normal to me...is that what you mean? That's what happens when you get divorced with no pre-nump.

Just MAKE SURE you get time with that kid. That's where joint custody comes in. It's too easy for her to take your money and always have something to do when you want the kid. I've seen that a lot. Don't be a fucking doormat.

I'm lucky, my ex is awesome, we get along great and he takes my daughter every weekend. I let him pay like half of what the court wanted to take from him for child support...the judge thought I was insane but I didn't want him to not be able to pay his car note and shit.

But unfortunately for you dudes, not every ex is as awesome as I am.
[Jul 30,2009 11:24am - pam ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
SkinSandwich said: I got snipped so no more kids for me. Good times.

me too. one 11 year old girl and an almost 2 year old son. Wife and I were seperated for 7 years, got back together 9 months and almost 2 years ago...hehe, 7 year make up sex is GOLD!!

haha, you're about a year ahead of me. Daughter is turning 10 and the boy is 1.
[Jul 30,2009 11:27am - SkinSandwich ""]
I am half way through my tour of duty with kids. One is almost 14 the other just turned 12.
[Jul 30,2009 11:27am - arilliusbm ""]
I've got a 3.5 year old boy, sucks being away from him now, given the situation I'm in. But I do cherish every moment I'm with him and vice versa.
RTTP has a serious side? Moar likely than you think.
[Jul 30,2009 11:29am - pam ""]
I want to see pictures of RTTP crotch fruit.
[Jul 30,2009 11:29am - pam ""]

SkinSandwich said:I am half way through my tour of duty with kids. One is almost 14 the other just turned 12.

hahaha...2nd half is the teenage half...wear a helmet.
[Jul 30,2009 11:38am - SkinSandwich ""]
Yup, my 13 year old is already starting to act like a shit bag, haha. I curb that crap quick though.
[Jul 30,2009 11:39am - dreadkill ""]

pam said:pre-nump
[Jul 30,2009 11:45am - pam ""]

SkinSandwich said:Yup, my 13 year old is already starting to act like a shit bag, haha. I curb that crap quick though.

My daughter is starting to do that cock-the-hip-out and "UGGGHHHHH". Only to my husband though...so far she knows better than to pull that shit with me.

But I was a HORRIBLE teenager so I know I'm in for karmic payback. So far though she's never even told me she hates me so...so far so good.
[Jul 30,2009 11:46am - Murph ""]

xgodzillax said:i avoid making 'uh ohs' by pulling out and spreading my children on a face

It's a subtle art, but a true and refined one.

I toast this man.

I also inject my girlfriend with shittons of baby-killing drugs.

[Jul 30,2009 12:11pm - Conservationist ""]

fuck?! said:We're seperated, not married and she's getting the kid. She tells me she can take 25% of my paycheck and take half of whatever everything else costs. Is she retarded? This can't be true. I'm sure she's right about the 25% though. but beyond that, I think she's full of it. Anyone else have to go through this? What does child support end up costing a week. I only make like 30K right now

Welcome to common law marriage, a "reform" from the Clinton years.

My advice is to get an aggressive lawyer and a PI and start the character defamation.
[Jul 30,2009 12:12pm - Conservationist ""]

SkinSandwich said:Yup, my 13 year old is already starting to act like a shit bag, haha. I curb that crap quick though.

Make a basement they can't escape from.

[Jul 30,2009 1:00pm - f*ck!?  ""]
Thanks for the advice Pam

We're not married and I'm moving out and basically letting her keep everything. I think she's implying she'll get more than the 25% of my check child support. She's definateley not as laid back as you seem to me. I'm moving out because she fights with me in front of my 17 month year old daughter and calls me names in front of her. I've had enough. I think she may be too young to shuttle around and be taken out of her element(her home, her crib, etc) I agree with that. I may spend everyother weekend over the moms house while she takes off for the weekend. But down the line I'd like to have some form of custody with her.

She's completely alienated by my family and is willing to take me to court if I bring her to my family. She tells me the can come see her but not vice versa

I actually feel quite liberated. I'm moving this Saturday and there's nothing this bitch can do about it. I'm done with the BS

[Jul 30,2009 1:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]

f*ck!? said:Thanks for the advice Pam

We're not married and I'm moving out and basically letting her keep everything. I think she's implying she'll get more than the 25% of my check child support. She's definateley not as laid back as you seem to me. I'm moving out because she fights with me in front of my 17 month year old daughter and calls me names in front of her. I've had enough. I think she may be too young to shuttle around and be taken out of her element(her home, her crib, etc) I agree with that. I may spend everyother weekend over the moms house while she takes off for the weekend. But down the line I'd like to have some form of custody with her.

She's completely alienated by my family and is willing to take me to court if I bring her to my family. She tells me the can come see her but not vice versa

I actually feel quite liberated. I'm moving this Saturday and there's nothing this bitch can do about it. I'm done with the BS

DUMB! You DO NOT wait until down the line to get some sort of custody agreement. you do that now because if you try later the courts will say "why did you not do this sooner". This will be better for you now. save yourself the massive hassle you will endure later. heed this warning man.
[Jul 30,2009 1:08pm - Yeti ""]

xgodzillax said:i avoid making 'uh ohs' by pulling out and spreading my children on a face

bingo. granted pulling out isn't a surefire way to avoid pregnancy, but it drastically reduces the risk. that's one thing i don't understand about people, if you aren't going to use a condom, PULL OUT.
[Jul 30,2009 1:10pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I like my blank DNA splattering and slathering all over a womens face. Good times.
[Jul 30,2009 2:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
What's with all this new-fangled "pulling out" nonsense? What ever happened to the butt?
[Jul 30,2009 2:45pm - arilliusbm ""]

Yeti said: PULL OUT.
[Jul 30,2009 2:47pm - dreadkill ""]
whatever happened to being queer and not worrying about making babies?
[Jul 30,2009 2:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Or just skip the middle man and screw babies. PORBLEM SOLVED
[Jul 30,2009 4:19pm - Bradness nli  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Or just skip the middle man and screw babies. PORBLEM SOLVED


[Jul 30,2009 5:25pm - pam ""]

arilliusbm said:
Yeti said: PULL OUT.

NOT A GOOD IDEA. Just sayin.
[Jul 30,2009 5:28pm - Samantha ""]
I'm glad I don't have kids. All of my exes have turned out to be crazy. It would be horrible if kids were involved in that.
[Jul 30,2009 5:30pm - the_reverend ""]

pam said:
arilliusbm said:
Yeti said: PULL OUT.

NOT A GOOD IDEA. Just sayin.

it's the worst idea ever and people that live by it will be bit in the end one day. So far they have been lucky.
[Jul 30,2009 5:30pm - pam ""]

SkinSandwich said:
f*ck!? said:Thanks for the advice Pam

We're not married and I'm moving out and basically letting her keep everything. I think she's implying she'll get more than the 25% of my check child support. She's definateley not as laid back as you seem to me. I'm moving out because she fights with me in front of my 17 month year old daughter and calls me names in front of her. I've had enough. I think she may be too young to shuttle around and be taken out of her element(her home, her crib, etc) I agree with that. I may spend everyother weekend over the moms house while she takes off for the weekend. But down the line I'd like to have some form of custody with her.

She's completely alienated by my family and is willing to take me to court if I bring her to my family. She tells me the can come see her but not vice versa

I actually feel quite liberated. I'm moving this Saturday and there's nothing this bitch can do about it. I'm done with the BS

DUMB! You DO NOT wait until down the line to get some sort of custody agreement. you do that now because if you try later the courts will say "why did you not do this sooner". This will be better for you now. save yourself the massive hassle you will endure later. heed this warning man.

Backing this ^. She sounds like an abusive cunt and no one you want to leave any open holes with.

Go to the local court TOMORROW and file for joint custody. If you go before a judge and say "look, I'm fine with paying support but I want rights to my daughter...and she is telling me my daughter can't see my family. That isn't right." you will.get.rights.

Leave this shit to her dude and I'm telling you, she'll do more damage than you think. Nothing turns a judges favor to the mom like a dad's inaction.

Seriously, you obviously love your kid...don't make the same mistake everyone does.

Weekends are a great bargain for mom, too. That might help bring her to the table with joint custody. No single mom can refuse two days off.

If she gets mad about the custody just insist you only want to be involved in your child's life and then walk away/hang up.

Hope it works out better than it sounds like it will.
[Jul 30,2009 5:31pm - pam ""]
Important factor: you signed the birth certificate right? If not, clear that up first.
[Jul 30,2009 5:35pm - pam ""]

the_reverend said:
pam said:
arilliusbm said:
Yeti said: PULL OUT.

NOT A GOOD IDEA. Just sayin.

it's the worst idea ever and people that live by it will be bit in the end one day. So far they have been lucky.

That's pretty much how everyone I know including myself got pregnant. Well...me the first time. Second time was on purpose.
[Jul 30,2009 6:02pm - Conservationist ""]
Cut the baby in half?
[Jul 30,2009 6:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah but realistically the dad's only gonna get 2/7ths of the baby. Raw deal.
[Jul 30,2009 6:37pm - Hoser ""]
Buddy, you are a perfect example of why humans should need a license to have kids...you can't even spell "entitled" properly.

Abort the retard spawn now. PLEASE.
[Jul 30,2009 6:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I back hoser's idea. there are a lot of people who I wouldn't give license or would revoke.
[Jul 30,2009 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
I just read my daughter a book then chased her around the house.
[Jul 30,2009 7:19pm - Conservationist ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Yeah but realistically the dad's only gonna get 2/7ths of the baby. Raw deal.


That's not even enough for a burger!
[Jul 30,2009 7:20pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:there are a lot of people who I wouldn't give license or would revoke.

You Nazi.

But seriously, people aren't going to obey the license. Then what?

You're forced to either:

(a) Stormtroopers at the door
(b) Abort the child
(c) Both

Fascism/strong hierarchical authority is INEVITABLE.

[Jul 30,2009 8:56pm - sxealex ""]
intitled eh ?
[Jul 30,2009 9:29pm - Conservationist ""]

sxealex said:intitled eh ?

It's like inbreeding but you have a title, like Josephiah Wayne Cody Beaufort III, Esquire.
[Jul 30,2009 9:32pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

Conservationist said:Cut the baby in half.

[Jul 31,2009 8:01am - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:
pam said:
arilliusbm said:
Yeti said: PULL OUT.

NOT A GOOD IDEA. Just sayin.

it's the worst idea ever and people that live by it will be bit in the end one day. So far they have been lucky.

i'm not saying its a good idea, my point was that its still better than just firing it off inside.
[Jul 31,2009 8:18am - aril on the commuter rail  ""]
The girl needs to be on the pill or some other form of birth control. A lot of girls I've known don't like condoms anyway. And I agree, condoms suck compared to doin it without. However, that doesn't mean one shouldn't wear one.
[Jul 31,2009 11:53am - MillenialKingdom ""]

pam said:I want to see pictures of RTTP crotch fruit.

You sure?
[Jul 31,2009 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]

Conservationist said:
the_reverend said:there are a lot of people who I wouldn't give license or would revoke.

You Nazi.

But seriously, people aren't going to obey the license. Then what?

You're forced to either:

(a) Stormtroopers at the door
(b) Abort the child
(c) Both

Fascism/strong hierarchical authority is INEVITABLE.

Forced BC and sex-play.
[Jul 31,2009 11:30pm - metal_church101 ""]
Pull out and make her eat your children (blow your load in her mouth.)

Much safer.
[Aug 1,2009 12:43am - the_reverend ""]
TRANSLATION: you are just lucky you haven't gotten a girl pregnant yet. either that or you are sterile.
[Aug 1,2009 1:25am - metal_church101 ""]
[Aug 1,2009 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
the #1 lesson that my dad never taught me ALWAYS WERE A CONDOM NO MATTER WHAT. Pills, rings, shots, patches, and UIDS will always always always fail you at some point.

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