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Older white men first to get fired in recession

[Jul 30,2009 12:20pm - Conservationist ""]
In previous recessions, traditional, bread-winning older males — especially white men — were the least vulnerable.

White men over 55 had a record 6.5% unemployment rate in the second quarter, far above the previous post-Depression high of 5.4% in 1983.

[Jul 30,2009 12:27pm - dreadkill ""]
Good thing dwyer doesn't have a job
[Jul 30,2009 2:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jul 30,2009 2:17pm - reimroc ""]
Fire the older white guy so the younger minority workers can keep their jobs so they wont sue the company. Affirmative Action strikes again.
[Jul 30,2009 2:18pm - timma ""]
Actually, my company just had layoffs which included old white men, but also young brunette women, and middle aged blonde women.

Stat is fail.
[Jul 30,2009 2:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Fuck rich old white niggers.
[Jul 30,2009 2:33pm - tylor ""]
it's hard being white
[Jul 30,2009 3:30pm - Pires ""]

tylor said:it's hard being white

who wouldve known that the superior race would be second class now that a black president is in charge. Fo' shame.
[Jul 30,2009 3:38pm - reimroc ""]
his approval rating is down actually. i would imagine that would include some minority voters.
[Jul 30,2009 4:10pm - Conservationist ""]
[Jul 30,2009 7:09pm - tyler working  ""]

Conservationist said:KILL WHITEY

haha almost posted this at first
[Jul 30,2009 8:49pm - Lamp ""]

dreadkill said:Good thing dwyer doesn't have a job

I loled so fucking hard.
[Jul 30,2009 9:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 1,2011 5:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I can almost taste my own bitter end, as I begin to work into the night to save my shitty job.
[Nov 1,2011 5:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nigga plz. You have a nice degree, you're under 30, you come from lots of money and trust funds, and you've got mad skills. Gimme a break.
[Nov 1,2011 5:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Dearest fellow decrepit whitey: You have no idea who I am.
[Nov 1,2011 6:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
The SM meter was raised.
[Nov 1,2011 6:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
You didn't use the SM, but regardless, I'll troll you (IRL) with my dead eyes into next Tuesday.
[Nov 1,2011 6:55pm - blue ""]
ATTN: aaron pepelis
[Nov 1,2011 7:03pm - ark  ""]
[Nov 2,2011 2:49am - Ridahs  ""]
whiteys more likely to own rolexs and bentley and have a victimization complex than minorities.

Try living with the legacy of slavery, institutional racism, jim crow, and continued stereotyping of your culture and then bitch about something.
[Nov 2,2011 3:13am - Seth  ""]
Thank god I am not white.
[Nov 2,2011 3:15am - Lamp nli  ""]
Oh please. Nobody that's alive on this planet today was alive when slavery was an accepted institution. I wasn't alive when Jim Crow laws were in the books. As long as I make sure this stuff doesn't repeat itself, I refuse to feel guilty that it happened. Get off your high horse, chief.
[Nov 2,2011 6:26am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Oh please. Nobody that's alive on this planet today was alive when slavery was an accepted institution. I wasn't alive when Jim Crow laws were in the books. As long as I make sure this stuff doesn't repeat itself, I refuse to feel guilty that it happened. Get off your high horse, chief.

haha awesome.
[Nov 2,2011 9:05am - largefreakatzero ""]

[Nov 2,2011 9:35am - burnsy ""]

Ridahs said:whiteys more likely to... have a victimization complex than minorities.

[Nov 2,2011 9:36am - ark  ""]

Ridahs said:Try living with the legacy of slavery, institutional racism, jim crow, and continued stereotyping of your culture and then bitch about something.

i don't live with that legacy. sorry pal but every race is guilty of servitude, subjugation, and culture war. racists in different clothes, the lot of ya. fuck off. i will not feel guilt with the cards i was dealt.
[Nov 2,2011 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
Legacy of Slavery?
[Nov 2,2011 9:49am - ark  ""]
anything handed down from the past, good or bad. i guess it wasn't handed down to me. my ancestors were most likely not involved in it either. i'm not sure what this has to do with the OP. conservationist just trying to make you hate blacks for taking jobs.
[Nov 2,2011 9:54am - arilliusbm ""]
wasn't handed down to me. Not my legacy.

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