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Tons of cheap metal shirts at Yard Sale Sun. Aug. 2nd

[Aug 1,2009 5:03pm - metalshirts88  ""]
all XL's, few Large, and small fitting Xl's, some gently warn, some worn, some still like new. Death, Black, Thrash all kinds from 5$ and under!!! i'll make a deal if you buy a few. Come by and check it out tomorrow Sunday August 2nd at - 8 Colgate St. Warwick, RI -i'm there from 9am-2pm but yard sale starts earlier. Tons of great household items and collectibles also available. Just ask or look for the guy with the metal shirts.
[Aug 1,2009 5:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
List of shirts?
[Aug 1,2009 7:59pm - xmikex ""]
I'm not driving to Warwick to see a pile of Puya shirts. List the shirts
[Aug 1,2009 8:08pm - reimroc ""]

xmikex said:I'm not driving to Warwick to see a pile of Puya shirts. List the shirts

[Aug 1,2009 8:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
George Kalish is McGunk.
[Aug 1,2009 9:07pm - Belfan  ""]
Dwyer you can go fuck yourself. Jeff is a good guy and he will be selling slayer shirts and some other cool stuff. If I see you around you will get a kick in the face.
[Aug 1,2009 9:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Can't wait.
[Aug 1,2009 9:46pm - xmikex ""]
Yard Fail.
[Aug 1,2009 10:43pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

xmikex said:Yard Fail.

ten yard fail
[Aug 2,2009 12:03am - metalshirts88  ""]
you guys are gay, and have no life despite what you claim, you fail. Don't come around or I may have to kick your ass and wipe the blood with a nice shirt ha ha ha.
[Aug 2,2009 12:15am - blue ""]
I still think listing the shirts is a good idea, nobody wants no goddamn puya shit.
[Aug 2,2009 12:20am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
[Aug 2,2009 12:42am - Pires ""]
Never claimed to have a life really. This IS my life while at work. And when I'm not.
[Aug 2,2009 1:27am - beleth ""]
I'm calling dibs on the Puya shirt.
[Aug 2,2009 10:19am - demondave ""]
I would have taken the time to go if you typed in a few band names you had.
[Aug 2,2009 10:51am - sxealex ""]
wtf its a message board... pics or it didnt happen
[Aug 2,2009 12:15pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
WTF is this guys problem? "Come look at shirts...you want me to list the shirts? FUCK YOU GUYS!"
lol wut?

Did you get raped by your black metal neighbor while he was listening to Emperor and now you want revenge on his kind?

Oh wait, you're aware of the underground phenomenon otherwise known as "Slayer", we should obviously cut your little rape scheme some slack.
[Aug 2,2009 12:28pm - blue ""]
Jim, the amount in which you ALWAYS care A LOT on a message board still continues to blow me away.
[Aug 2,2009 12:35pm - DYA NLI  ""]
Wait, so are there still Puya shirts left or what? Do they come with a Century Media grab bag?
[Aug 2,2009 12:38pm - the_rabbi ""]

blue said:Jim, the amount in which you ALWAYS care A LOT on a message board still continues to blow me away.

because i make fun of someone who advertises shirts and doesn't want to list the shirts? Is it because of long winded replies? Have you ever spoken to me? That's just how i talk.

it obviously really bothers you, as you've said it so many times. How can i help you get over this?
[Aug 2,2009 12:39pm - DYA NLI  ""]
Oy vey.
[Aug 2,2009 12:39pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
woops, i was still my holy self there.
[Aug 2,2009 2:17pm - blue ""]
I require heavy amounts of spooning. That's about it.
[Aug 2,2009 2:53pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
You know where to find me.
[Aug 3,2009 11:39am - xmikex ""]
Did anybody goto this guy's yard sale? Are the sea shell knick knacks from Virginia Beach still available? Should I just look for Static X shirts on ebay at my leisure?

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