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A new ATTN:blue thread...

[Aug 1,2009 10:27pm - Pires ""]
I have sent you a private message via the Internet message board forum.
[Aug 1,2009 11:00pm - BSV  ""]
he's on tour, do you need his email?
[Aug 1,2009 11:42pm - Pires ""]
Nah, it's not that important. Thanks though. Much appreesh.
[Aug 2,2009 12:19am - blue ""]
I read it, yer fine guy. Don't worry.
[Aug 2,2009 12:37am - Pires ""]
[May 25,2010 3:05pm - Pires ""]

Pires said:I have sent you a private message via the Internet message board forum.
[May 25,2010 3:17pm - brian_dc ""]
worried that there were NO COPS ALLOWED for Deathfest this year?
[May 25,2010 3:18pm - brian_dc ""]
[May 25,2010 4:04pm - Pires ""]
[May 26,2010 1:22pm - Pires ""]
[May 26,2010 2:11pm - blue ""]
Ill have one for ya, Pires mah boy.
[May 26,2010 5:21pm - Pires ""]

blue said:Ill have one for ya, Pires mah boy.


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