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cheap recording in Central MA!!!

[Aug 6,2009 11:55am - xjaredx  ""]
Trapdoor Studios, located minutes outside of Worcester, is trying to fill up some dates for the fall.
Full ProToolsLE 7.3 set-up, with a ton of in-house gear.
Past clients include: Outbreak, The Miles Between, Telfair, Medicated Kisses, etc.
We charge $150 per day.
You can check our new mixes out at:
<a href="http://www.myspace.com/trapdoorrecording">myspace.com/trapdoorrecording</a>

You can also e-mail at: xjaredx@gmail.com
Thanks doodz.
[Aug 6,2009 11:56am - reimroc ""]
[Aug 6,2009 11:56am - reimroc ""]
fixed your link
[Aug 6,2009 11:58am - xjaredx  ""]
[Aug 6,2009 2:17pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Medicated Kisses. Is that when you kiss someone who has chapstick on? Or is it just when you run out of things to name bands?
[Aug 6,2009 2:27pm - Archaeon ""]
oh fuck yes this is exactly what i need. emailing later on.
[Aug 6,2009 2:29pm - narkybark ""]
that's what I call it when I give the gift of The Herp
[Aug 6,2009 2:58pm - Archaeon ""]
Email sent.
[Aug 6,2009 2:59pm - dreadkill ""]
is telfair named after former celtic Classy Bassy Telfair?
[Aug 6,2009 3:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wonder if this is the same place my singer from my blues band Hard Number 9 talked about.
[Aug 6,2009 3:17pm - dreadkill ""]
in soviet russia, hard number twelve looks like you
[Aug 6,2009 4:33pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
not-so-cheap studio recordings available in Allston MA.
[Aug 6,2009 4:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 6,2009 6:11pm - blue ""]
Record with Jared, he rules
[Aug 6,2009 6:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we will be ready to record in late sept/early october. i'll have my guitarist get in touch thru the ole cryspace
[Aug 8,2009 5:56pm - xjaredx  ""]
self-promotion. bump.
[Sep 12,2009 10:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
currently in this studio now. so far so good. will post some stuff once its finished.
[Sep 12,2009 11:59am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Jared is doing the HYEO full length
[Sep 12,2009 12:06pm - archaeon ""]
Jared is recording my pop-punk bands new EP
[Sep 12,2009 12:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
nice this kid deserves the business...doin a great job so far. cant wait to here the end result. tracking guitars on sunday. woot

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