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[Aug 12,2009 12:05pm - succubus ""]
Anyone ever take it?

I do not like taking painkillers because they make me naucious. I got a prescription for percacet when i had my wisdom teeth pulled and preferred to deal with the pain.

I'm curious as to what side effects people hae experienced with demerol.

ps: just read this: As at August 2009, it is the leading suspect in the death of Michael Jackson.
[Aug 12,2009 12:08pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Who is this troll?!? I suspect it's a DEA agent trying to shut us down.
[Aug 12,2009 12:10pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 12,2009 12:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
K - when RTTP goes black, everybody tune in to CTb0rderpatrol's CB radio frequency.

And for FUCK's sake, please don't go posting that frequency like it was the address of some secret show!!!
[Aug 12,2009 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
carina, you got viccodin.
[Aug 12,2009 12:27pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I'll take it off your hands.
[Aug 12,2009 12:27pm - succubus ""]
i didn't take what i got..i'm curious about demerol though.
[Aug 12,2009 12:28pm - MikeOv  ""]

SkinSandwich said:I'll take it off your hands.

i like the way you think.
[Aug 12,2009 12:55pm - the_reverend ""]
BTW, jackson was killed by diprivan not demerol.
[Aug 12,2009 1:01pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:BTW, jackson was killed by diprivan not demerol.

Action Jackson?
[Aug 12,2009 1:01pm - reimroc ""]
demerol is an opiate analgesic that is for the most part administered in hospitals/emergency rooms just like morphine. you don't usually see it prescribed like other painkillers. most of the time demerol/morphine is given in a shot in the ER for a quick relaxation of pain where motrin(ibuprofen) isn't enough. This is the case with severe migraines among other painful reasons why people stop at the ER.
[Aug 12,2009 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
the_reverend said:BTW, jackson was killed by diprivan not demerol.

Action Jackson?

before, maybe
now, not so much
[Aug 12,2009 2:18pm - succubus ""]
yes it will be used in the hospital, either a needle in my butt or in an IV i'm just wondering how it will make me feel.
[Aug 12,2009 2:19pm - MikeOv  ""]
like a cloud.
[Aug 12,2009 2:30pm - MikeOv  ""]
a pretty little pink fluffy cloud, at that
[Aug 12,2009 3:48pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Different Opiates have different effects. While ALL of them are Euphoric, some of them are more numbing, and some are more "body buzzing". Demerol is more of the numbing kind. It will make you happy, it will make you a little sleepy (some opiates surprisingly will give you energy like amphetamines... mostly those made from the analog "thebaine")

Demerol actually is very IN-effective taken orally. Generally they only really give it out in pill form when someone has an allergy to something more common like codeine or oxycodone. On the other hand, if you get an injection of Demerol, or even snort a pill, they have a much stronger effect, and are much more worthwhile. The main reason for this is because when you take it orally you body really only absorbs a small amount compared to what you actually ingest.

Good stuff, but i prefer others.
[Aug 12,2009 3:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
you and Mikeov really need to go to pharmaceutical school. I'm telling you, you could be making 100k+ a year right now with your knowledge on this stuff.
[Aug 12,2009 3:56pm - arktouros ""]
seriously, stop being a bullshit salesman and put a lab coat on. i could be buying drugs that you make.
[Aug 12,2009 3:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]
me and mr. "of decreptitude" should really start a "vacation" business in an island in international waters where we prepare and administer shamanic rituals/drinks/smokes.
[Aug 12,2009 3:59pm - arktouros ""]
i will be the ferryman.
[Aug 12,2009 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
plus, you could then dump bodies into the shark infested waters.
[Aug 12,2009 4:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, jim with a labcoat on. please wear a labcoat at your next show
[Aug 12,2009 4:18pm - Carina itouch  ""]
hmm ok. The nurse mentioned another drug too but I'm not sure what it was called or even if I get to choose.
[Aug 12,2009 6:36pm - massoftwoslits ""]

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