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umbrella music is listenable(we still dont have a singer though)

[Dec 16,2002 2:44pm - umbrella  ""]
hey this is joe from umbrella. apparently we have a mp3.com site. check it out. http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/503/umbrellas.html

peace out, slut ass ho's. joe
[Dec 16,2002 6:39pm - MTYE ""]
i like your stuff a lot.....id love to be in a band like that, except im in the works of starting my own. good luck in your search.
[Dec 17,2002 1:14am - xScottx ""]
well im a singer in search of a band so let me know where you guys are from and what style your looking to do and we can take it from there
[Dec 18,2002 2:57pm - umbrella  ""]
our singer decided to stay with us. sorry if any of you got excited. xmikex, still email me please. thanks, joe the13umbrellas@yahoo.com
[Dec 21,2002 8:22pm - goliath  ""]
that shit was awesome! the recording sucked though.............................................................................. play in mass.
[Dec 24,2002 8:07am - skip ""]
mp3's are good, i'm feelin the drumming, maybe its just the recording though

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