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MMA Dude really hits a girl

[Aug 23,2009 12:46am - the_reverend ""]

the_reverend said:
xmikex said:[img]


found the video.

I had to make a thread about this cause wow... he really hits her.
[Aug 23,2009 12:47am - the_reverend ""]
that .gif is from 6-6:12
[Aug 23,2009 1:19am - RustyPS ""]
wow........he really does
[Aug 23,2009 1:20am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
'Roids 'll do that to ya!
[Aug 23,2009 1:25am - RustyPS ""]
ya know how when little boys like little girls they like hit them and shit? I think this was what was happening

she's hot though
[Aug 23,2009 4:12pm - Pires ""]
Overeem is a bad ass motherfucker too.
[Aug 23,2009 5:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

RustyPS said:ya know how when little boys like little girls they like hit them and shit? I think this was what was happening

she's hot though

Ya, troof'd.
[Aug 23,2009 6:22pm - Hoser ""]
Ummm...am I the only one that doesn't see a hit of any kind?
[Aug 23,2009 6:24pm - Martins ""]
Did you not watch the video?
[Aug 23,2009 6:28pm - Conservationist ""]

Hoser said:Ummm...am I the only one that doesn't see a hit of any kind?

By hit, do they mean when he covers her mouth? Is that like a slo-mo slap?

-5 for lack of sodomy after the takedown.
[Aug 23,2009 6:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Hoser said:Ummm...am I the only one that doesn't see a hit of any kind?

Not in the GIF, but in the full video. He definitely smacks her square in the gut a time or twice. She's a trooper about it FWIW.
[Aug 23,2009 7:27pm - Hoser ""]

Martins said:Did you not watch the video?

Wow...maybe thats how people hit in Mass....but in Maine when somebody gets hit, there are usually teeth flying in different directions. That was no hit my friends.
[Aug 23,2009 7:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL @ you provincialism
[Aug 23,2009 8:10pm - the_reverend ""]
people in maine do have teeth in their stomach from what i remember of maine. they are superfluous and are just a relics of the ancient maineish tribes that had to gather and eat foods on their bellys to aviod being seen by t-rexs. mainards are more closely related to starfish than monkeys.
[Aug 23,2009 8:43pm - Martins ""]
SEMANTICS SEMANTICS fuck everyone with hose in their name
[Aug 24,2009 2:12am - niggerless cage  ""]

Hoser said:Ummm...am I the only one that doesn't see a hit of any kind?

he just tries to choke her out from behind which is still assault retard...
[Aug 24,2009 2:16am - Sacreligion ""]
watch the video at 1:45
[Aug 24,2009 2:16am - Sacreligion ""]
1:30 actually
[Aug 24,2009 3:26am - No_Redemption ""]

the_reverend said:people in maine do have teeth in their stomach from what i remember of maine. they are superfluous and are just a relics of the ancient maineish tribes that had to gather and eat foods on their bellys to aviod being seen by t-rexs. mainards are more closely related to starfish than monkeys.

this and LL cool J playing in the background when he popped her make my insomnia easier to handle
[Aug 24,2009 8:52am - RustyPS ""]

[Aug 24,2009 8:58am - the_reverend ""]
repost rusty. why don't you keep that video in the thread about that video?
[Aug 24,2009 9:00am - Pires ""]
[Aug 24,2009 9:01am - xmikex ""]
Girl's a champ. Overeem is a beast. The gif looks way worse than the video. The spiderman thing was weird.
[Aug 24,2009 9:02am - the_reverend ""]
he clearly did.
[Aug 24,2009 9:03am - RustyPS ""]
[Aug 24,2009 10:23am - Hoser ""]
The title of the post is "MMA dude really hits a girl"...retard.

I didn't read "MMA dude really assaults a girl"...moron.
[Aug 24,2009 10:30am - XmikeX ""]
Retitle the thread "XmikeX gets a semi" and technical accuracy will resume.
[Aug 24,2009 10:35am - timma ""]
Her leg looks all weird when she falls in the .gif

If I didn't know better I'd think she fuckin broke it or something.

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