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Sonata Arctica posts new video, Flag in the Ground

[Aug 29,2009 10:32am - the_reverend ""]
Video Link

[Aug 29,2009 11:04am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Wow. Someone else to add to the "I used to love this band" pile. Unia wasn't too bad, either, but this is awful.
[Aug 29,2009 11:06am - alexc ""]
wolf and raven is a good song. thats all they got. this is just abominable.
[Aug 29,2009 12:01pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
The first three albums were GREAT. Unfortunately, each album after progressively shows that these guys are a one trick pony.
[Aug 29,2009 12:10pm - Martins ""]
Is this the original vocalist because he sucks
[Aug 29,2009 12:14pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Yes, that's the singer and he's way, WAY too generic to suck. I think his true calling is to sing for car commercials.

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