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I guess Jenna Bush

[Aug 31,2009 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
thinks she is paris hilton. is the name apt?

[Aug 31,2009 3:53pm - Overt weight  ""]
I'd hit it
[Aug 31,2009 3:53pm - aril  ""]
what's NWFS?

not work for safe?
[Aug 31,2009 3:54pm - Overt weight  ""]
I'd hit it at work too
[Aug 31,2009 3:54pm - the_reverend ""]
yes aril yes.
I agree with 50% of what you said there.
[Aug 31,2009 4:00pm - oscarct ""]
yeah I would evn if she does look like a retarded tara reid
[Aug 31,2009 4:02pm - Lol  ""]
That snatch looks worse than the aftermath of 9/11
[Aug 31,2009 4:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

aril said:what's NWFS?

not work for safe?

No Way, Fugly Snappah.
[Aug 31,2009 4:24pm - Doomkid nli  ""]

Lol said:That snatch looks worse than the aftermath of 9/11

Quoted for fucking truth.

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