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Sep 21 (Mon) - ENFORCER / CAULDRON / more t.b.a. - Muddy River Smokehouse (Portsmouth, NH)

Black Night Meditation radio show and live gigs coming to Portsmouth NH-ENFORCER, CAULDRON, CSDO sept 21st

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Sep 1,2009 5:07pm - CNV  ""]
From BNM email

I'm bringing the NORTH AMERICAN NIGHTMARE TOUR 2009 to Portsmouth on September 21st, and I need YOU to be there. Confirmed bands are:

ENFORCER (Sweden, Heavy Artillery Records, new album is my favorite of the year!)
CAULDRON (Canada, Earache Records, killer NWOBHM-worship)
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY (NH, Screaming Ferret Records, local Thrash done right)

*more bands/show details to come*

The show is at the Muddy River in downtown Portsmouth. YOU coming to this show is an investment in bringing more Metal tours to the area. If the turnout is poor, we won't have more Metal tours come here. Not every Metal tour can play the obvious venues in Mass., and they need places to play. Even a small club like the Muddy River.

Since I've booked this tour, I've been offered to add a Nuclear Blast Records band to the show. This may or may not happen, but I mention it to prove that having one Metal tour in the area could mean more bands, more shows. But nothing will happen if you do not go to the show.

I am not doing this to make money. I am using my own money to make this happen, and I may lose money on this show. This is an investment in the future of Metal tours (Black, Death, Traditional, etc.) on the Seacoast. So I, and Metal, need your support. Please plan on coming to the show September 21st. I will let you know what other bands get added to the lineup. If you have band suggestions, let me know. FYI - I will be emailing you alot about this show, so be aware.

Let me know if you will be there! TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS SHOW!

Mark Pruett - Metal Director
Black Night Meditations
WSCA 106.1 FM
909 Islington Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA

A heathenish foray along the shining path.
Aural ruminations of Black, Death, Speed, Thrash,
Doom, Shred, Folk, Power, Prog & Traditional Metal.
Tuesday Nights: 10pm ~ 2am e.s.t.
[Sep 1,2009 5:25pm - CNV  ""]
Listen to this show tonight from 10 pm to 2 am

106.1 fm
[Sep 3,2009 1:54am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
humpin' and a bumpin'
[Sep 3,2009 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
awesome dude, awesome radio show, awesome concert.
I'm mad it's a monday.
[Sep 3,2009 9:52am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm bummed that I found out about this after getting Stratovarius tickets... grr...
[Sep 4,2009 12:54am - divine intervention  ""]
We're going to this.
[Sep 15,2009 1:18am - warbringer  ""]
got the c.s.d.o. cd. it's really good
[Sep 15,2009 10:25am - alexc ""]
razormaze should be on this shizz!
[Sep 15,2009 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
you should attend this show so that Mark does more shows there and then puts razormaze on a bill there.
[Sep 15,2009 2:45pm - alexc ""]
if i didnt work 12 hour shifts on mondays and it wasnt in new hampshire that would be a possibility. i will try though.
[Sep 15,2009 3:59pm - quintessence ""]
Yes this is awesome what you are doing. I was planning on attending the NYC date with Whiplash and At War, but I will try and make this as well for sure. NH needs more shows like this.
[Sep 16,2009 1:21am - NH Metal Militia  ""]
It's 'bout time some good metal comes to NH.
[Sep 16,2009 1:22am - NH Metal Militia  ""]
I think Mantic Ritual is playing on this also.
[Sep 16,2009 8:09pm - Demon Slices  ""]
Oh why must this be on a Monday?!
[Sep 16,2009 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]

quintessence said:Yes this is awesome what you are doing. I was planning on attending the NYC date with Whiplash and At War, but I will try and make this as well for sure. NH needs more shows like this.
wait, whiplash play shows? wtf!

everyone should go to this early and try to eat a squealer upstairs.

meal includes 1 rack of St. Louis pork ribs, 1 lb. award winning pulled pork,1/2 a hickory smoked chicken, 1 pint mashed potatoes, 1 pint bbq baked beans and 1 piece of cornbread

[Sep 21,2009 2:12am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
We'll have cd's available at this show!!
[Sep 21,2009 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 21,2009 5:34pm - Demon Slices  ""]

the_reverend said:GO

You're not the boss of me!

[Sep 21,2009 7:39pm - Paul CNV Horde  ""]
When does it start?
[Sep 22,2009 1:07am - Paul CNV Horde  ""]
Not a bad turnout for a mundee night... Plenty of young thrash girls. Make me horn grow.
[Sep 22,2009 1:25am - the_reverend ""]
awesome to hear
[Sep 22,2009 9:05am - Paul CNV Horde  ""]
Too bad they are turning The Muddy River into another pizza place in two weeks....Lame
[Sep 22,2009 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
huh? I just searched and saw that they are serving birk oven pizza but it doesn't look like it's affecting the dead animal... or is it...

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