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Ok RTTP... i need your help again in finding a crime story

[Sep 1,2009 5:16pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I'm looking for a single offender, single victim crime (murder or rape is preferable). Ones that have already gone to trial are better. I'd have a list of stuff to work with if i could do serial crimes but those are the restrictions for my class. The more information available the better.
[Sep 1,2009 6:03pm - aril  ""]
Talk about saddam Hussein
[Sep 1,2009 7:29pm - Hoser ""]
Rev. rapes and murders vegetables; not to include all of the field mice and voles that his diet has murdered. He and his wife destroy whole ecosytems on a daily basis with their fake diet that is rounded out by store bought garbage like veggie burgers. Mass destruction of land and the stripping of good forest land for fields due to a popular and expensive diet is what those types are all about...city folk.

Go MEAT!!!! Eat primative or don't eat. That's why we have canine teeth and eyes in the front of our skulls.

[Sep 1,2009 7:30pm - Hoser ""]
BTW...the feminization of America is a CRIME of the 1st degree.

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