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Vader cab 4x12 for sale

[Sep 1,2009 11:30pm - sellit  ""]
500$ email me at metalhead4life8@yahoo.com I will meet you or ship, thanks.

This cab never left my house and is in perfect condition.
[Sep 1,2009 11:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Sep 2,2009 8:20am - blue ""]
But will not buy lulz
[Sep 2,2009 8:37am - Lol  ""]
Lol is this corpus' cab
[Sep 2,2009 8:41am - lolx2  ""]
you think rob grillo would demean himself so far as to come back to these boards? He's too good for us remember?
[Sep 2,2009 6:33pm - sellit  ""]
buy it, make it feel good.
[Sep 5,2009 9:29pm - W3 nli  ""]
you still have this shit or what guy

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