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Type O Negative - Slow, Deep and Hard Remastered

[Sep 4,2009 7:59am - Yeti ""]
normally i don't dig the idea of altering a classic, but this album needed a good remastering. not that the original is flawed in any way, it just didn't fully capture the massive sound they were going for. this sounds awesome, the guitars are so much thicker and the keys are more prominent. the opening riff to Prelude to Agony now has the devastation it needs. the two minutes of breathing are so much clearer too hahahaha.
[Sep 4,2009 8:03am - Yeti ""]
it also makes the angriest album ever recorded even angrier.
[Sep 4,2009 9:34am - goatcatalyst ""]
Need this
[Sep 4,2009 9:35am - IvoryandSteel ""]
I must obtain.
[Sep 4,2009 10:21am - DYA is NLI  ""]
Holy fuck I need this.
[Sep 4,2009 10:33am - Yeti ""]
on the insert there is a big write up about the history of this album, i had no idea it sparked as much controversy as it did. they were banned from several countries for it. the thing that i love is that i can finally CRANK this album and have it play at earth-shattering volumes. on the original you had to crank it just to hear it loudly.
[Sep 4,2009 11:45am - neverpurified ""]
Picked this up a while ago, one of the few remasters I actually enjoy
[Sep 4,2009 2:56pm - Samantha ""]
I need to get this.

This old interview shows some of the bad reaction they got from the album. I completely agree with Peter Steele's opinion, though.

[Sep 4,2009 3:23pm - BlackoutRick ""]

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