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Man Eats Own Feces, Stops Trial

[Sep 4,2009 8:19am - Martins ""]
[Sep 4,2009 8:23am - aril  ""]
Way to mark this news
[Sep 4,2009 8:24am - demondave ""]
Did he bring enough to share with the whole class?
[Sep 4,2009 8:46am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
that dude's mug shot is terrifying.
[Sep 4,2009 8:49am - arktouros ""]
[Sep 4,2009 8:50am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
why John? Why?!
[Sep 4,2009 8:54am - arktouros ""]
tia carrera! i would bang her even with 8 legs!
[Sep 4,2009 8:57am - Martins ""]
It's not news, it's awesome.
[Sep 4,2009 8:58am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
that's just wierd man.
[Sep 4,2009 9:39am - SkinSandwich ""]
I guess he is really trying to prove the insanity defense.
[Sep 4,2009 9:40am - IvoryandSteel ""]
where's my waynes world dvd...
[Sep 4,2009 2:23pm - rotivore ""]
its called the "GG Allin defense"...
[Sep 4,2009 3:05pm - Samantha ""]
He gets bonus points for having a colostomy bag.
[Sep 4,2009 3:15pm - reimroc ""]

rotivore said:its called the "GG Allin defense"...


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